
Revitalizing Your Brand: Strategies for a Fresh Start

In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, staying relevant and resonating with your target audience is crucial for the success and longevity of your brand or company. As you get ready for the next quarter in the year, consider revitalizing Your Brand Strategies for a Fresh Start. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by refreshing your brand. In this article presented to you by Lucy, for Icy Coaching & Consulting, we will explore eight strategies that can breathe new life into your brand and help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Craft a Strong Brand Message Your brand’s message should be a reflection of your company’s values, mission, and vision. Take the time to review and revise your brand’s messaging to ensure it aligns with your current objectives and speaks to your audience’s aspirations and pain points. A well-crafted brand message not only conveys what your company stands for but also creates an emotional connection with your customers, fostering loyalty and trust.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by refreshing your brand. Share on X

Harness Social Media Diversify your brand’s online presence by actively engaging with your audience on various social media platforms. Tailor your content to suit each platform’s unique audience and features, allowing you to connect with a broader and more diverse audience. Social media isn’t just about posting content; it’s about fostering two-way communication with your customers, listening to their feedback, and adapting your brand’s approach accordingly. By utilizing the power of social media, you can not only increase brand awareness but also strengthen customer relationships.

Digitally Organize Your Documents Organizing your marketing documents is crucial for efficient business operations, and converting these documents into PDF format is a smart strategy. Using a PDF format ensures that your content remains consistent in terms of formatting and is easily shareable across various devices and platforms. Whether you need to create a PDF online from scratch or convert an existing file, like a Microsoft Word document, into a PDF, a reliable PDF maker tool is indispensable. This approach not only streamlines the sharing process but also enhances the professionalism of your documents.

Remake Your Website Your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers. Ensure it is visually appealing, user-friendly, and up-to-date with the latest information about your products or services. A well-designed website can leave a lasting impression on visitors. Beyond aesthetics, prioritize user experience by optimizing page load times, navigation, and mobile responsiveness. A user-friendly website not only attracts visitors but also converts them into customers, ultimately contributing to your brand’s success.

Partnering with Influencers and Ambassadors Collaborate is the new competition. Collaborate with influencers or brand ambassadors in your industry to promote your products or services. Their authentic endorsements can significantly impact your brand’s credibility and reach, helping you tap into new customer segments. Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for expanding your brand’s reach. However, choose influencers whose values align with your brand to ensure authenticity and resonance with their followers. Establishing genuine partnerships can lead to long-term brand growth.

Outline Your Core Values Clearly define your brand’s core values and communicate them consistently across all touch-points. These values serve as the foundation of your brand’s identity and can create a strong emotional connection with your audience. Authenticity is key when conveying your core values. Make sure your actions align with your stated values, and don’t be afraid to take a stand on issues that matter to your customers. When customers see your brand living its values, they are more likely to trust and engage with you.

Amplify Public Relations Invest in public relations efforts to increase your brand’s visibility and reputation. Engage with media outlets, industry publications, and influencers to share your brand’s story and achievements, building trust and credibility. Effective public relations can shape the narrative around your brand, positioning you as an industry leader and a trusted source of information. Be proactive in seeking out opportunities to share your expertise and experiences, both online and offline.

Innovate Your Approach to Advertising Explore innovative advertising techniques that align with your brand’s goals and target audience. From immersive experiences to different forms of interactive content, staying at the forefront of advertising trends can set your brand apart from the competition. Innovation in advertising not only captures the attention of potential customers but also demonstrates your brand’s willingness to evolve and adapt to changing consumer preferences. Embrace creativity and experimentation to create memorable and impactful advertising campaigns.

Refreshing your company’s brand is a strategic move that can reinvigorate your business and capture the attention of both existing and potential customers. By crafting a compelling brand message, harnessing the power of social media, streamlining marketing collateral, etc., you can breathe new life into your brand and thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. Don’t hesitate to embark on this exciting journey of brand revitalization, and watch your company soar to new heights of success.



It’s Yetunde Shorters here, chiming in share with you, as we plan for the New Year, 7 powerful ways to level up your personal brand in the New Year. This year flew by so quickly that we couldn’t even catch a breath, but it’s never too late. You can start now and start today, and let’s plan for manifestations in the New Year. Below are my suggestions of 7 powerful ways to level up your purposeful personal brand in the New Year


Planning ahead means take the time one of these days this year before the year is over and sit down and plan for the things you want for your personal brand or your business. That means on social media. Sit down and plan what your social media would look like. Sit down and plan what each quarter would look like. Sit down and plan what products that you’re going to launch per quarter, whatever steps that are involved in each stage. Write it out and plan. You have plenty of time to do that this year so that you can be prepared and schedule things for next year. That way, you save yourself some time. Sacrifice that 4 hours of social media a day time just for you. You deserve it.

You can start now and start today, and let's plan for manifestations in the New Year . Share on X


Number 2 thing you need to do to level up your personal brand in the New Year is manage your time like a boss. Here’s what that means. We all have 24 hours in the day. Yes, sometimes, everyone says, “We have the same time that Oprah has.” Well, Oprah has a team to work with and delegate too, none of us can afford Oprah manpower yet. If you’re a solo-preneur or you have a small team, you have 24 hours in a day. You have a lot to do. What that means is be conscientious of how you spend your time. What are you doing with your mornings? The first 90 minutes set the tone. Be intentional about those 90 minutes. Do you find yourself on Facebook or Instagram immediately? WATCH IT, STOP IT.  Do you time yourself when you do that? Nothing wrong with applying social media, but make sure you’re not spending and wasting time on there without a return on your investment.

What that means is allocate and dedicate and promise yourself you’re going to spend a certain amount of time per day on whatever social media platform it is. One of the things I actually do to manage my time better is when I have social media days off where I’m just logged off of social media and I also log off of my Wi-Fi, and I do projects that do not require me to be online. There are many apps you can use to manage your time. There are apps you can use to block you from going on social media so you can focus because it can be addictive as productive as it can be, but managing your time is very important. That also means if you’re obsessed with certain TV shows, how many hours are you spending on that? You’re watching people that are making money off of you watching them. Why don’t you spend that time building your personal brand? You can watch TV, limit your time and focus on building and then enriching your own personal brand.


The number 3 way you can level up your personal brand in 2019 is to map out your systems. What this means is: if you are going to be doing events or if you are going to be doing a photo shoot, if you are going to be consulting with clients, write out what that looks like. For example, stage one clients inboxes you. What is the response after? Clients responds to you. What do you send after that? Write out step-by-step so that you have automated content that when anything happens you’re literally just cutting and pasting again saving you time. or use e-services to do an auto send out. Map out whatever your systems are for getting new clients, for securing a sponsorship or getting product, whatever system is. Sit down, think about it, and write it all out step-by-step so that you have everything planned out in a Word document or a notepad or Evernote. Write it all down so when the time comes you’re literally just cutting and pasting or scheduling it into your e-applications. That would save you tons of time and will allow you to be able to train someone if you’re not available on how to run your systems.


Number 4 powerful ways to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to connect better and more. That means online and offline. Sometimes we get caught up in posting and we forget that we have to engage other people, so dedicate 20 to 30 minutes of your time per week and go back to the people that follow and engage you and engage on their pages. Like the comments, like their pictures, read stuff, and leave your thoughtful feedback. People want to connect with you, and also do this in live events. That means go out more, look for networking or marketing events that you can be a part of. Look for virtual events that you can be a part of, but make it an effort to connect better and more with people because, with personal powerful branding these days people connect to people so you can no longer hide behind a company name or the Internet. People want to know who you are, and the more you connect and the more authentic you are, the better for you and your business and your personal brand.


The number 5 powerful way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to document your milestones. Share on X This is one of the things that was actually in the recent book I had with the Better Business book where I shared my 10 things I’ve learned from, my 10 years in business, and if I knew then what I know now, I would have at the end  of every month or maybe every two weeks, documented any good thing that happened in my business. Because guess what? When you’re going to do a review of the year or an analysis to a client, you can go back and have documentation, have a folder created on your computer and have documentation of the really good memorable milestones that happen and the really challenging ones, as well, so, at the end of the year, if you have to do a year in review, you have all your ducks in a row, you have content for your portfolio, you have content for testimonials. It’s a great way to track your progress.


The number 6 way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to track and analyze often. Often depends on how engaged you are on social media or on your newsletter or in person. That means see what’s working. Test it out. See what’s working and then come back and take off the things that are not working. Tracking and analyzing actually helps you see that your efforts are being put to good use. You want to make sure you maximize that and make it a habit starting now, so that when the New Year comes, when the new year comes, that you are ready and prepared to track and analyze. That way, you will get into the quality of what works for your personal brand, and so you just rinse and repeat and use the things that work over and over again, but you can’t know what works unless you track and analyze it.


Finally, the 7th way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to automate and engage and convert. Create your automation systems. What does it look like when someone signs up for your newsletter or signs up for talking to you, what is that process? If there’s anything you can automate, which means use a mailing service where something is automatically sent to them without you, your business can function without you, you automatically automate all the stuff that you want your customers or potential clients to know.

Then, you want to engage them. When you automate, when they respond back to you, you want to engage them. As much time as it’ll take, try to be as one-on-one as possible, or maybe do a group session or a group webinar, but engage them in some way on a live stream, on the Tweet chats. Find ways to engage your community. Then, when you engage them, you can convert them. Because once they know, like, and trust you, which is the KLC factor. When people feel like they know you and then they like you and then they trust you based on the consistency and content you share, it is very easy to convert them to buy anything you are selling, because they believe you are out to support them and what they want out of life with your expertise.


Again, you have plan ahead, manage your time like a boss, map out your systems, connect better and more, document the milestones, track and analyze often, automate, engage, and convert. These are the seven things you need to level up for your brand in the New Year. I wish you well. Let’s go manifest all the hard work we put in this New Year

Stop trying to Find Your Purpose. It’s already within you. Look inside.

Hey Purpose Angel. This morning, I want to share with you answers to the following:

Why am I doing this? Why is this important? I remember the day I decided I didn’t want to become an Attorney anymore.
I was in the first month as a Junior in college at Loyola University Chicago Why? 3 reasons

1. As much as I enjoy reading, I was stressed out about how much information I would have to retain as a Lawyer

2. I knew I wanted to help women and build wealth and I didn’t see how I would do that without having to work for the bad guys (They typically have more money than the good guys. Good guys have money too)

3. I am an Empath, so I literally feel other peoples vibes and so I’m hyper-mindful of the energies I allow in my space and the energy I bring to any space. I’m also super intuitive, so I get clear directions on what I need to do for results, safety and success. These are physical and spiritual God-given abilities. We all have them. I’ve simply had a mentor who’s helped me master them and I’m still learning.

I feeeeel the energy of our world. Even as I type this now to you I have tears in my eyes just feeling it. I also feel the love and they are both overwhelming. So when I say I’m RADICALLY CLEAR on what role I need to play to support you in stepping fully into your purpose, It’s because it’s important. I already know we will have a better world when YOU do your part and you get to skip the line cuz I’ve done all the mistakes and spent a lot of money to get you the current best possible blueprint for your own next level.

So in school, I selected a few marketing and pr courses to take. In one of my classes, we were given a mock Ad campaign to work on for Verizon and in a split moment I realized how may millions of people I could reach with one simple yet effective AD. LITERALLY MILLIONS IN ONE GO. I caught the PR BUG and I was sold. I focused on my specialty in Communications.
Everything I have learned and do since then has helped me to be a student and teacher communicator with visuals, words and quality. I get the privilege of doing this for my own personal brand and the over 100+ women I have had the honor of branding overtime.

What you need to know: Your purpose has been and will always be a part of you. It's not something you're out there looking for. It's within already. Share on XWhether you discover what that purpose is or not depends on your choice to explore, acknowledge and accept what that purpose is. A good coach can guide you through the discovery.

Why you should care: If you find that you’re not joyful, excited or energized most times about your life or work or situation, It may mean you’re not in alignment with your purpose. And the fact is, you don’t have to stay in this space. It can be more than you ever imagined. I testify to this and so do many of my client.

What you need to do: DM me if you’d like to explore what it looks like to kick off your purpose journey, stress-free, no overwhelm and joyfully. Wanna see Quantum Leap, ask @evatoby She became a bestselling author beating out Lala Anthony’s book even before her book was available, secured over 7 media features in one year national and international. Became a published columnist for rolling out magazine and using my process once raised $900 in 5 hours for a youth organization in Detroit, Michigan.

Get VIP access to the Next level version of you. We kick off our Purpose POWER LAUNCH May 2nd. #radicalclarity #livethroughpurpose #purposepower

Purpose to Profit Secrets in Action

FB Friend, I have new news. But first, story time lol
So on 7.7.7 I launched ICY PR into the world and I did it specifically because I wanted to support small business owners who could share their knowledge and products with the world. I think in international, global terms, so I always dream then do big for my clients and my work.
In these 14+ years a lot has happened and I can sincerely say I forget how much we’ve done until we look back to see what we have done.
In December I had a coach who I was new to make a back-handed social media comment that I know specifically was around what I shared in our session about the work I do for women. Her comment was about how one shouldn’t make commitments about helping people live through their purpose, you should focus on the fact that you get them clarity.”
I was offended and I didn’t know why at the time, then I chatted with a friend and she said “MAM, just because she can’t and doesn’t do that, she probably can’t see how it’s possible that you can.”
lol I was like “yeah, you’re right”. I have conservatively secured now, over 1500 media features in my career. supported 14 entrepreneurs in becoming Best Selling Authors, Gotten my clients exposed to over 100 million people literally, from Latin America to Africa to North America. I am 41 about to be 42. I have literally been doing this consciously since I was 18. And I have incredible results to prove it.
From working with some of Africa’s biggest stars like DavidO, Stephanie Linus and a few others I can’t share as per lifetime NDA lol to working with some incredible Grammy Award winning artist and Dance music brands from American Ballet Theatre to Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre to Pianist Lang Lang and a lot more when I was Director of Marketing and PR at CAF. To small business owners in London, Nigeria, America, Canada, Caribbean, Latin America etc.
We’ve donee a lottttt. So I do know how to do this and still helping incredible Entrepreneurs get results. Heck!! last week got 6 professional women get featured in Today’s Purpose Woman Magazine sharing their purpose work and expertise.
There is a method to the Purpose. And since I am RADICALLY CLEAR on how I am supposed to guide my clients with all I have learnt and still learning, I am going all out and I say this with no humility: MY LIGHT WILL ATTRACT so that those I am meant to serve can spot me and I can serve my God calling.
It took me almost 20 years to realize how simple this Purpose this is supposed to be. YUP. I cracked the code on the simplicity. It’s supposed to be simple actually. The work you’re looking to do to feel validated is in the mastery and action of the DOING your part.
And so, my new news is this:
As we step into year 15, (we will be 15 on 7.7.22) we have officially evolved into a coaching and consulting international company. We are now officially and legally called
Our mission: to support women and a few men in stepping fully into their purpose, using their personal brand, without stress & confusion, information overload, or time wasting so they can have global impact & earn substantial income consistently.
If you’re nudged intuitively to learn more about the PURPOSE P.O.W.E.R BOOTCAMP, feel free to DM me.

The Surprisingly Easy Way to Ruin Your Personal Brand.

If you’ve jumped on the personal branding bandwagon, and you think creating a personal brand that is all about you will make you the next Gary V., you are already down the wrong path. Cuz even Gary V. doesn’t talk about Gary V. Look, I understand. I completely get it. I’ve been there. I wasted time and money. The surprisingly easy way to ruin your personal brand is to think it’s all about you. **SPOILER ALERT*** It’s not.

Every brand coach is out here telling you to just launch your personal brand, create a website, launch a course, give your followers an opt in they can’t resist, so you can get their emails and sell to them

So tell me this: Does everyone you know who has a self- serving personal brand or website, and sales page attract paying clients?


But of course not.

But think about it for a second. What does every SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR with a personal brand have?

THEY BUILD BASED ON THEIR PURPOSE, HOW THEY CAN SERVE OTHERS: and here is the kicker: many of them still get to do many of the fun things they enjoy, heck some of them even buy other types of companies that do the other things they love. Talk about Multi-passionate Purposeful Entrepreneur. Yup they exist.

The truth is, they have a focused PURPOSE-CENTERED product or service that they offer to thousands and millions of people.

They have content that is engaging, powerful and customized to their personality yet incredibly valuable to those they SERVE. They all build wealth through this purpose. They all let the world know how they can help it, and then, they took what worked excellently and used it over and over and over again.

Can you think of any successful entrepreneur who has a personal brand who isn’t focused on something PURPOSEFUL?

Can you find me any successful entrepreneur who doesn’t have their message zoned in, with stellar content that converts and engages their ideal paying customer?

Can you find me any successful entrepreneur who hasn’t built wealth from their purpose? Heck If you’re a Mac user, you bought Steve Jobs Product. There is a 50% chance you’re using an iOs Device right now to watch, read or listen to this message. He made wealth from his purpose. Then he figured out what worked (slick design, quality product and a focus on his ideal clients CREATIVES. Yup that’s YOU.) He created this product for you. His message is clear. If you’re using a MAC, You’re a creative.

Here is how you can build your own successful purpose-centered personal brand that attracts paying clients.

Remember, if you don’t get crystal clarity on your purpose, you’re going to keep loosing time and money because you’re spread too thin on all your passions. Share on X

First you have to get crystal clarity on what your purpose is. And it’s okay to be a multi-passionate entrepreneur, but a purpose breakthrough session helps you identity what to spend your most valuable time and resources on.

Second creating and developing your outstanding content that makes it easy for you to be loved, respected and paid by your ideal clients.

Third, you’ll need to identify how you want to build wealth through your purpose . Here you get to provide products or services that excite you and excite your ideal paying clients even more

Once you’ve gotten these top 3 core details together, then you’ll want to launch and launch big, with confidence, easily securing media features, blogs, podcasts and radio shows highlighting your story and how your product or service transforms lives.

And finally you take some time to review what worked with your process and perfect that and do just that perfected process all over again to get consistent results.

Remember, if you don’t get crystal clarity on your purpose, you’re going to keep loosing time and money because you’re spread too thin on all your passions. You’re going to keep pumping out content that doesn’t connect or engage with your ideal paying customers, you’re going to be selling the wrong product or service and wonder why you’re not making substantial income from it. You’re going to have a whole noise making launch of what you do that flops with only 0.5% of your ideal paying clients even aware you did a launch. You’re going to keep repeating strategies that don’t work and wonder why they are not working. Chances are you’ve probably experienced one or two of these things, if not all in the past 6-9 months.

So you can either be the entrepreneur who continues to think that having a self-serving personal brand or a personal website a cute opt-in and a sales page will help you attract your ideal paying customers who adore your purpose


An Entrepreneur who lives purposefully, earns her profits confidently, is authentically herself and builds status as the top expert in her industry. Share on X

You can be the entrepreneur who decides to step fully into her purpose, in spite of any fears, someone who wants to get crystal clear on what she has been called to do on this earth, attract and be attractive to the people she has been created specifically to help, people who will pay her anything she asks, without questions. An Entrepreneur who lives purposefully, earns her profits confidently, is authentically herself and builds status as the top expert in her industry.

And if that’s you. Then you know exactly what to do next.
Click the link below and sign up for my Purpose Breakthrough Session
I look forward to supporting you in Living through Purpose, Attracting paying clients and being celebrated as a profitable leader in your industry.

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Collaboration Is The New Black

On this #internationalwomensday I want to celebrate the power of collaboration. For many years, there has been a prevailing notion that women like to compete, compare and undermine each other. Though some of these traits may exist, there is more #collaborationovercompetion especially among women entrepreneurs! Something magical happens when women support each other. Some of the best brands, campaigns, organizations, and businesses have been birth through the partnership of two separate entities.

As women, we can help other women shine their light and still shine on our own and there is so much power when we come together for a greater good. This is one of the reasons my PR sis Dorcey of @gazelle_strategist and wrote “Collaboration is the New Black: How to Identify the Right Collaborations, Increase your Brand Power and Get Money”. I have facilitated over 50 partnerships and collaborations with Grammy award winning artists in classical music media and entrepreneurs that have reached over 10million + people over the years, for Dorcey, with15 years of PR & Brand Management experience, brokering some lucrative collaborations, I can tell you emphatically that this book is loaded with substantial and benificial information!. In honor of today, I would like to invite you to join this collaborative experience and tag 3 women you would love to collaborate with. I am also excited to share that our book is now available for pre-order!!!!
The first 50 people who pre-order the book today will get the CITNB Workbook for free!!!! This workbook will guide you in identifying red flags and increasing your social media influence and power with the RIGHT COLLABORATION. Click here and reserve your copy.


Personal Branding Photographers In Nigeria

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Cover-Photo-yetunde-shorters-article-5aThe African Millennial Photographers have arrived and their visual representation of this generation is incredibly colorful, sharp and world-class. As they learn more they’ll share with us all.

It’s finally happening. You’re tuning in to the power of personal branding and the power of your image to influence others and tell your story. Personal Branding is coming to life in a way we have never experienced before. Slowly going are the days when CEO’s and COO’s could hide behind their company name. Now more than ever, people connect with people and it is imperative that you put your best and full self forward.join-icyacademy-3gm1


In my 15+ years of PR/Branding and Marketing, one of the key ingredients to personal branding that can almost immediately change perception of you, is your pictorial image. The choice to use an amateur photographer or a professional is the difference between an engaging personal brand and no interest in how awesome you are.

The power of images goes a long way to shape our perception. I know there are many photographers in Nigeria; these photographers are photographers I will recommend and will gladly work with to brand my own clients.

So I have put together a list of 15 Personal-Branding Photographers You Should Know. So, when you are ready to invest in your own personal brand shoot, you have options that can help you speak to the world with incredible images.

Yitschaq Abia – See portfolio here @mr_Adore

Yitschaq Abia

Tosin Akinyemiju- See portfolio here @tosin.akinyemiju


Tobbi – See portfolio here @tobbinator


Jerrie Rotimi – See portfolio here @jerrie_rotimi


Aham Ibeleme – See portfolio here @ahamibeleme


Anny Robert – See portfolio here @aniespixels

Anny Robert

Balogun Oreoluwa- See portfolio here @imageplusfotography


Gyasi- See portfolio here @gyasi_media


Ibukun Williams- See portfolio here @ibukunwilliams_Ibukun-w

Obi Somto – See portfolio here @obisomtophoto


Osibamowo Moyo – See portfolio here @awgzzz

Osibamowo Moyo

Prince Meyson- See portfolio here @princemeyson

Prince Meyson

Res- See portfolio here @resphotographygh


Fegorson- See portfolio here @fegorson_photography


Yetunde Babaeko- See portfolio here @yetundeayenibabaeko_photo

Yetunde Ayeni Babaeko


It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com


Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde


Learning to maximize the power of your network is one of the ways to build support and wealth for your passion or purpose. Share on X

With social media and what may seem like access to the whole world, entrepreneurs are inundated with contacts with not real system for cultivating those relationships. Learning to maximize the power of your network is one of the ways to build support and wealth for your passion or purpose. Below are 3 lists every entrepreneur needs to plan and prepare for a successful year ahead. Share on X


Your POWER LIST should have the full names, phone numbers, emails, websites, social media links etc. of 15-20 of your top influencers/6-7 figure earners in your network. These are people you should have or be cultivating a relationship with. Look into your LinkedIN, take the time to sit and think about people you hang out with. You’re probably connected to powerful and influential people. You need to learn to tap into and foster relationships with your power list. They have skills that you don’t have and you can be of value to them if you are more intentional about the connection you build.


Your WISH LIST should have the names of at least 5 people that you want to meet, learn from or build connections with in the next year. Write their names down, follow them on social media, and spend the time to engage them on things that are of interest to them. Respond to their feeds. Share thoughtful insights on their post. People remember people who engage their interests. It’s about sincerely engaging them. As you build those online relationships, your wish list can cross over to your power list or even to real true friendships where you both provide value to each other. No one is too big for you to wish to meet. NO ONE. Get on it.



Your TRIBE LIST is one of the most powerful lists you will ever have. Your tribe list should have 20 -10,000+ people who love, like, engage are interested or are fans of yours. They are champions for your cause that you should engage with frequently, to build your “tribe culture”. They see you as a leader in whatever it is you’re great at. They have the same values or close as you do.  They may not be related to you by blood, but they are related by virtues, ideals and a sense of culture. Your tribesmen and women will be the ones to buy your book, come see you talk at a live event or toot your horn to the world even if you never asked. They are the ultimate village.

In The next year you get to tap into your lists and build that business empire you’ve been talking about. IT IS POSSIBLE. Share on X

noun: tribe; 
1. any aggregate of people united by ties of descent from a common ancestor, community of customs and traditions, adherence to the same leaders, etc.

These top lists require you take the time and sit to prepare them. Spend those 60 minutes to brainstorm on them. Have an excel sheet for the Power List and Wish list and you can use a mail service (awber, malchimp etc.) for the tribe list.

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader





It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com




Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde





Who’s got an A.P.P yeah you know what!

There are 3 secrets to the perfect brand that world-class brand experts are not telling you. Shssshh. Don’t say a word to anyone, but you’re now in on the secret.

1 :: Authenticity
No one is telling you that your authentic self is what people will tune in to. Authenticity is that special something that only YOU have. The truth is everyone has it, but we are too busy trying to be packaged like everyone else, or packaging the “idea” we have of us that we forget the gem that is already in us. You are an original, being a copy or like anyone else is a dis-service to what you have to offer the world. How do you tap into your authenticity? Be true to your gut, your style, your thoughts, and your truth, even your poses in pictures. Doing it because it is the norm is very different from doing it because it works and it feels like you. If you’re great at making people laugh, organizing, analyzing, writing or talking etc., that special gift is your money maker, plus there are people waiting for you to step into it so they can pay you for it. The bonus is doing the work to be the higher, better version of you, and the best version of you. And you can only do that when you master YOU. Practice, invest and do your part to be the master of your authenticity. Be your best self often and unapologetically. When you get comfortable with you, it encourages others to do the same.

Here is the truth “the whole world is not your market. Share on X

2 :: Purposeful
So it’s one thing to be authentic, it’s another thing to know why your authenticity is important to you, your family and the world. To be “purposeful” means: [pur-puh s]

1| the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2| an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
3| determination; resoluteness. 

Your time is your most valuable asset. It is nonrefundable, you can’t pay for more of it and you can’t get an iota of it back. You can however maximize it and be intentional about how you use it. According to Forbes, Oprah has 10 self made sources of income. Probably more by now. She spent years daily, doing the thing that is her purpose that she loves and helping people, building profits and daily she became a master at it, at HER. She is a billionaire and she, just like you only has the same time in a day as you do (24 hours). Committing to purpose means stepping fully into your Why. “why is this important for the world, to you” then spending your time doing the important stuff. The good news is, in spite of the challenges that you will face (designed to help you become a master at YOU), it will be more fun because you are doing the thing you love, helping people and building profits.

join-icyacademy-2 copy

3 :: Profitable

There are 7.3 billion+ people on this earth. If even 0.001% (that is 73,000) of them are the people you are meant to help and you charge them a dollar a month for what you’re great at, that they need, that they will gladly pay for, you will make $73,000 a month and $876,000 a year.

Here is the truth “the whole world is not your market”. Yes, you may have a product that everyone could use, but accepting and understanding that only the people that value your product or service will pay for it. Why not market to those people. This is what we brand professionals call NICHE marketing. Close your eyes: imagine your ideal fan, customer or client. What does he or she look like? What do they do for a living, where do they spend time online, what kind of book, shows, audio books do they read? etc. Whomever you pictured that is the person you need to market to, to help you build profit. Start today

So, you officially got the A.P.P, Oh yeah! It takes daily practice. Start now, why wait for tomorrow. Be present in your authenticity, live with purpose, be intentional with your time and the people that you need to help and support, will pay you. 

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader






It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com




Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde



If you knew why you were on this earth, would you do what you are supposed to do?

Ask yourself, What is my why?

graphics-whyThat is one question I wish I had the answer to before I began this entrepreneurial journey. We are so busy doing the WHAT, that nobody tells us understanding the WHY can make all the difference in the world. For a long time in building my experience in Public Relations, Branding and Marketing. I was always about the doing, doing the work, doing the shoots, doing the media events, doing, doing, doing.

It wasn’t until 2010 that I began to understand my WHY.  My why was Love. I love meeting people with unique skills and talents and helping to tell others about them. I love making sure they look so good, (brand packaging) so that when people connect to them, their product or service tells a story in a way that is fun, engaging and relate-able. I love the power of food to bring people together. Hey, we all have to eat.

I am in the business of doing what I love and helping others do the same, in  a way that is easy, fun and inspiring. As a Serial Entrepreneur and owner of  ICY Public Relations  ICY STUDIO and AFROPOLITAN CHEF , I understand now that I work to cheer others on to live fully in their purpose, because seeing others thrive at what they do best that represent their highest self is inspiring all on its own. And now, I teach inspired entrepreneurs how to create and build a life around their purpose with my teaching program,  ICY ACADEMY.

I use my experience in Image building (from modeling) Branding, Public Relations and Marketing to help them create a purposeful and profitable brand.

The truth is when it comes to personal branding, there is overwhelming information about this subject.
With over 15 years of experience and over 100 businesses and personal brands I have worked with over the years, I have the clear steps to create a purposeful, powerful, result driven personal brand that will make you profits.

I hope to inspire you, to tap into WHO YOU ALREADY ARE at your core and provide you with the tools you need to create a purposeful, powerful and profitable image/brand.

I look forward to this journey for you and about you.


Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader






It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com




Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde




From Surulere to Banana Island. You can either feel envy or join in on the excitement. Linda Ikeji purchased her dream home for half a Billion Naira. If you haven’t heard the news, you’re so late for it. It’s an inspiring story of International Blogger Linda Ikeji. We choose to join in on the excitement and inspiration. Over the years, Linda Ikeji has done 3 key things that have positioned her for success.

And if you’re ready for it, let’s look at the steps she used, you can get in on the action too.

1. Authenticity: No one is telling you that your authentic self is what people will tune in to. Authenticity is that special something that only YOU have. Love her or not, Linda Ikeji has remained true to her image. She loves to gist and be engaged in social happenings, current affairs and international news. She found a way to do it so that millions can join her in gisting daily. Those who enjoy the gist get in on it action and she built a community of millions based on what feels true to her. Curating social news so that we can all go to her for our need for gist.

The truth is, everyone has it, but we are too busy trying to be packaged like everyone else, or
packaging the “idea” we have of us that we forget the gem that is already in us. Start trying to be you and less like others. Linda Ikeji makes no apologies for who she is. You are an original, being a copy or like anyone else is a dis-service to what you have to offer the world. How do you tap into your authenticity? Be true to your gut, your style, your thoughts, and your truth, even the medium to share your “thing”. Doing it because it is the norm is very different from doing it because it works and it feels like you.

If you’re great at making people laugh, organizing, analyzing, writing or talking, photographer etc., that special gift is your moneymaker, plus there are people waiting for you to step into it so they can pay you for it. The bonus is doing the work to make your authenticity valuable. And you can only do that when you master YOU. Practice, take time invest and do your part to be the master of your authenticity. Be your best self often and un-apologetically. When you get comfortable with you, it encourages others to do the same. You may not be the next Linda Ikeji, but you could be the one everyone wants to be like. Blogging is not for everyone. Find your thing, and then bank on it.

[NOTE: Want to Know The #1 New Way You Can Be The Next Virtual Superstar? click here]

2. Purposeful: No matter how much drama goes on online about any of the stories Linda Ikeji shares on her blog, it is clear that she understands the value of her information to the world. So it’s one thing to be authentic, it’s another thing to know why your authenticity is important to you, your family and the world.

To be “purposeful means: [pur-puh s]
1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
3. determination; resoluteness.

She uses that platform to do many of the things that are important to her. She inspires a lot of young women, pisses off a lot of celebrities and shares news also about their successes. We find intrigue, excitement or sometimes disappointment in some of the stories Linda Ikeji shares. No matter how outrageous the stories, she is intentional about the stories she shares. Linda spends hours doing the thing millions tune in for.

Your time is your most valuable asset. It is non-refundable, you can’t pay for more of it and you can’t get an iota of it back. You can however maximize it and be intentional about how you use it.

According to Forbes, Oprah has 10 self-made sources of income. Probably more by now. She spent years daily, doing the thing that is her purpose that she loves and helping people, building profits and daily she became a master at it, at HER.

She is a billionaire and she, just like you and Linda Ikeji have the same time in a day- 24 hours.

Committing to purpose means stepping fully into your Why. “why is this important for the world, to you” then spending your time doing the important stuff. The good news is, in-spite of the
challenges that you will face (designed to help you become a master at YOU), it will be more fun because you are doing the thing you love, helping people and building profits. Linda Ikeji gets to do what she loves, help people with her various non-profit endeavors and making millions. It’s a win, win.

[NOTE: Ready to learn the 7 Easy Steps to Creating a Purposeful and Profitable Brand Image? click here]

3. Profitable: Linda banked on her community. She built a community of readers that spends with the advertisers on her site. She made a business out of her passion. There are 7.3 billion+ people on this earth. If even 0.001% (that is 73,000) of them are the people you are meant to help and you charge them ??100 a month for what you’re great at, that they need, that they will gladly pay for, you will make ??7,300,000 a month and ??87,000,000 (that is 87 million) a year.

Here is the truth “the whole world is not your market”. Linda knows this. Not everyone reads her blog. Yes, you may have a product (in this case social information) that everyone could enjoy, but accepting and understanding that only the people that value your product or service will pay for it. Why not market to those people.

Linda Ikeji knows this and she’s doing it. So is Bella Naija and Ono Bello. This is what we brand professionals call NICHE marketing.

Close your eyes: imagine your ideal fan, customer or client. What does he or she look like? What do they do for a living, where do they spend time online, what kind of books, shows, audio books do they read? etc. Whomever you pictured, that is the person you need to market to, to help you build profit. Start today.

If you’re’ ready to do this, you have to be committed and put in the work. Expecting results in a year though ambitious is unrealistic. It took Linda 9 years and she’s still building. You need to build your community aka tribe, first, build a valuable product/service and be consistent with it, then bank on your “tribe” to pay for what you are offering.

So, you officially got the details on the 3 power moves that Linda Ikeji made to get to where she is now. Start now, why wait for tomorrow. Be present in your authenticity, live on purpose, be intentional with your time and the people that you need to help and support will pay you.

Have fun being you, Linda Ikeji sure does. Congratulations Linda.
photo by: Kelechi Amadi-Obi

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader





It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI AM the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful brand that is profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com



Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde

#1 Way To Become The Next Show Host SUPERSTAR!

#1 Way To Become The Next Oprah, Wendy or Mo Abudu

If this caught your attention, then you must have practiced being the next Oprah, Wendy or Mo Abudu with your own TV show. There is a new app in town that is making people celebrities almost instantly. If you’ve heard of it and haven’t activated it, I hope this gets you excited about it. And if you haven’t heard of it, this is your chance to get on the ground level of what is the new wave of social media. Yes, another new APP to add to our long list of social media connections. THIS ONE IS WORTH IT.

Hello everyone say a big HEY to the new free app PERISCOPE! “Where people explore the world through your eyes”, LIVE!


Periscope is a free app that allows you to stream and interact live with your mobile phone or tablet from anywhere is the world, with anyone in the world. Imagine how you watch certain stations religiously; think about your own periscope being a station “Live With Tolu”. I can log in every Tuesday at 1pm and know that you will be on, sharing whatever “your thing is” at that time. If you have great content, you can have viewers who will come regularly for your “program.


You can be intentional and strategic about how you use it. Develop your own show idea, Talk show, comedy, daily gist, sight seeing around town, restaurant review, business tips, life of a fashion blogger, relationship advice or as I have, Life of a Serial Entrepreneur. Find me @Yetunde on periscope. I share my experiences, lessons, ups and downs of running my business with the world. All periscopes are only available for 24 hours and you build engagement by accumulating heartthrobs and followers (people simply double tap their screens to give you hearts. It’s the equivalent of likes). With Periscope you can also choose to allow only your followers watch your live feed. It can also be open to the world. It’s your choice.


Yes, in less than 5 months, there are incredible people that have used and are using periscope to build their brand and a name for themselves. If you have a niche with great content and an engaging personality, people tune in to watch your show and people get to spread the word about you. More people know you and engage your content; more people push your star power. Here are 5 people I recommend you follow on periscope.

Alex Pettitt – Award Winning Broadcaster/Periscope Coach

Ebong Eka – Life and Business Coach/Strategist

Danielle Ford – Marketing/Social Media Expert

Krista Jennings – Productivity/ Time Management Coach

Yetunde – Lifestyle Entrepreneur/PR and Branding Strategist


You can make money by first building your follower base, providing great and compelling content, then taking those numbers and that great content to advertisers to pay you for your power of influence. Product placement is also a great way to get paid. So e.g. if you wear a t-shirt or use a lipstick by a specific company on one of your scopes, they can pay you for that exposure to your followers and many more ways.


I joined Periscope when it launched in March, but stayed dormant until recently and I have only just begun to activate its power. There is one person I have followed on Periscope from day one and his name is Alex Pettitt. With over 97K followers in less than 5 months, he is #No1 and most loved for sharing periscope top tips. Find him on youtube <<click here to see all his videos on how to tap into the power of Periscope.

Periscope is one of the few live feed apps that has activated more people since it launched on March 26th. It is also tied to your twitter account. The goal with any online venture should be consistency, engagement and providing value and people will come.

If you do it right, this new APP can help you increase your star power, build profits as you grow your content/audience and build a life as a “Periscoper”. HAPPY SCOPING!

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader






It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI AM the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful brand that is profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com




Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde