It’s Yetunde Shorters here, chiming in share with you, as we plan for the New Year, 7 powerful ways to level up your personal brand in the New Year. This year flew by so quickly that we couldn’t even catch a breath, but it’s never too late. You can start now and start today, and let’s plan for manifestations in the New Year. Below are my suggestions of 7 powerful ways to level up your purposeful personal brand in the New Year


Planning ahead means take the time one of these days this year before the year is over and sit down and plan for the things you want for your personal brand or your business. That means on social media. Sit down and plan what your social media would look like. Sit down and plan what each quarter would look like. Sit down and plan what products that you’re going to launch per quarter, whatever steps that are involved in each stage. Write it out and plan. You have plenty of time to do that this year so that you can be prepared and schedule things for next year. That way, you save yourself some time. Sacrifice that 4 hours of social media a day time just for you. You deserve it.

You can start now and start today, and let's plan for manifestations in the New Year . Share on X


Number 2 thing you need to do to level up your personal brand in the New Year is manage your time like a boss. Here’s what that means. We all have 24 hours in the day. Yes, sometimes, everyone says, “We have the same time that Oprah has.” Well, Oprah has a team to work with and delegate too, none of us can afford Oprah manpower yet. If you’re a solo-preneur or you have a small team, you have 24 hours in a day. You have a lot to do. What that means is be conscientious of how you spend your time. What are you doing with your mornings? The first 90 minutes set the tone. Be intentional about those 90 minutes. Do you find yourself on Facebook or Instagram immediately? WATCH IT, STOP IT.  Do you time yourself when you do that? Nothing wrong with applying social media, but make sure you’re not spending and wasting time on there without a return on your investment.

What that means is allocate and dedicate and promise yourself you’re going to spend a certain amount of time per day on whatever social media platform it is. One of the things I actually do to manage my time better is when I have social media days off where I’m just logged off of social media and I also log off of my Wi-Fi, and I do projects that do not require me to be online. There are many apps you can use to manage your time. There are apps you can use to block you from going on social media so you can focus because it can be addictive as productive as it can be, but managing your time is very important. That also means if you’re obsessed with certain TV shows, how many hours are you spending on that? You’re watching people that are making money off of you watching them. Why don’t you spend that time building your personal brand? You can watch TV, limit your time and focus on building and then enriching your own personal brand.


The number 3 way you can level up your personal brand in 2019 is to map out your systems. What this means is: if you are going to be doing events or if you are going to be doing a photo shoot, if you are going to be consulting with clients, write out what that looks like. For example, stage one clients inboxes you. What is the response after? Clients responds to you. What do you send after that? Write out step-by-step so that you have automated content that when anything happens you’re literally just cutting and pasting again saving you time. or use e-services to do an auto send out. Map out whatever your systems are for getting new clients, for securing a sponsorship or getting product, whatever system is. Sit down, think about it, and write it all out step-by-step so that you have everything planned out in a Word document or a notepad or Evernote. Write it all down so when the time comes you’re literally just cutting and pasting or scheduling it into your e-applications. That would save you tons of time and will allow you to be able to train someone if you’re not available on how to run your systems.


Number 4 powerful ways to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to connect better and more. That means online and offline. Sometimes we get caught up in posting and we forget that we have to engage other people, so dedicate 20 to 30 minutes of your time per week and go back to the people that follow and engage you and engage on their pages. Like the comments, like their pictures, read stuff, and leave your thoughtful feedback. People want to connect with you, and also do this in live events. That means go out more, look for networking or marketing events that you can be a part of. Look for virtual events that you can be a part of, but make it an effort to connect better and more with people because, with personal powerful branding these days people connect to people so you can no longer hide behind a company name or the Internet. People want to know who you are, and the more you connect and the more authentic you are, the better for you and your business and your personal brand.


The number 5 powerful way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to document your milestones. Share on X This is one of the things that was actually in the recent book I had with the Better Business book where I shared my 10 things I’ve learned from, my 10 years in business, and if I knew then what I know now, I would have at the end  of every month or maybe every two weeks, documented any good thing that happened in my business. Because guess what? When you’re going to do a review of the year or an analysis to a client, you can go back and have documentation, have a folder created on your computer and have documentation of the really good memorable milestones that happen and the really challenging ones, as well, so, at the end of the year, if you have to do a year in review, you have all your ducks in a row, you have content for your portfolio, you have content for testimonials. It’s a great way to track your progress.


The number 6 way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to track and analyze often. Often depends on how engaged you are on social media or on your newsletter or in person. That means see what’s working. Test it out. See what’s working and then come back and take off the things that are not working. Tracking and analyzing actually helps you see that your efforts are being put to good use. You want to make sure you maximize that and make it a habit starting now, so that when the New Year comes, when the new year comes, that you are ready and prepared to track and analyze. That way, you will get into the quality of what works for your personal brand, and so you just rinse and repeat and use the things that work over and over again, but you can’t know what works unless you track and analyze it.


Finally, the 7th way to level up your personal brand in the New Year is to automate and engage and convert. Create your automation systems. What does it look like when someone signs up for your newsletter or signs up for talking to you, what is that process? If there’s anything you can automate, which means use a mailing service where something is automatically sent to them without you, your business can function without you, you automatically automate all the stuff that you want your customers or potential clients to know.

Then, you want to engage them. When you automate, when they respond back to you, you want to engage them. As much time as it’ll take, try to be as one-on-one as possible, or maybe do a group session or a group webinar, but engage them in some way on a live stream, on the Tweet chats. Find ways to engage your community. Then, when you engage them, you can convert them. Because once they know, like, and trust you, which is the KLC factor. When people feel like they know you and then they like you and then they trust you based on the consistency and content you share, it is very easy to convert them to buy anything you are selling, because they believe you are out to support them and what they want out of life with your expertise.


Again, you have plan ahead, manage your time like a boss, map out your systems, connect better and more, document the milestones, track and analyze often, automate, engage, and convert. These are the seven things you need to level up for your brand in the New Year. I wish you well. Let’s go manifest all the hard work we put in this New Year

How to Systematize Everything

Hey Entrepreneur.

If you’ve ever looked at another entrepreneur and wondered “how da heck does she even have time to do all this stuff” she has systematized everything, and you need to learn this skill too.

She’s got good systems.

It’s true. The most productive people all have one thing in common: they don’t reinvent the wheel every day. Instead, they’ve figured out the best, most efficient way to do every task, and they create a system to do just that. Share on X

No matter what business you’re in and what projects you find yourself tackling, a systematized approach will help you:

• Work faster and produce more
• Produce higher quality results with fewer mistakes
• Easily outsource the tasks you don’t like to do

The Magic of Templates

How many times do you answer email from potential clients? What about responding to customer complaints? Or saying a polite no to those people wanting you to meet up to pick your brain for a coffee chat?

All of these tasks and more become effortless when you create fill-in-the-blank templates that can be repurposed for specific cases/people. Templates can be as simple as a “canned response” in your email client or help desk, or you can use software such as Text Expander (for Mac) or Phrase Express (for Windows). You might even create a template document in Evernote, Mac note or Google Drive to house all your templates for easier access.

While templates will undoubtedly save you time, the real beauty is that once they’re created, you can easily outsource things like email and even sales. Simply instruct your Virtual assistant on the proper use of your templates, and you’ll be free to do other, more important things.

Checklists Prevent Mistakes

I have multiple checklist. One for even writing this blog post, one for going live, one for recording my videos and writing articles. It might seem counter-intuitive, but when you perform the same tasks over and over again, it’s easy to miss a critical step. You might think you did all you needed or that live-stream this week— you might even remember doing it—only to look back and you missed two steps that affected your post promotion.

But when you implement checklists, it’s suddenly much more difficult to miss an important task.

You can easily create checklists for all your common tasks and projects using nothing more than a text document. I do the most so I use Apple Pages and make it look all fancy lol. If you’re managing a team, checklists in your project management system allow you to see exactly what tasks are complete, and which are still outstanding. Think of it as a to do list for each task

Templates and checklists turn smart business owners into productivity Queens, and it’s easy to get started. The next time you answer an email you’ve answered before, save your response. The next time you set up a new product in your shopping cart or create a new opt-in page, take the time to record the steps. These documents will make future projects easier and faster to complete, and best of all, you can hand them off to your assistant to do instead.

So, tell me which tip would you implement to work for you?

Much Love


3 Incredible Strategies I Learned From Being a BMe Vanguard Fellow (THE MATRIX IS INVOLVED)

This fellowship is the kind that created PARADIGM SHIFTS that have actively changed my thinking. No kidding, it was like being in the matrix and being offered two PILLS. I HAD TO CHOOSE.

On April 26th 2019, I received the offer to take the RED pill or the BLUE Pill. So what happened was ehm… well, I went for the RED pill.

Why? You ask, with the crazy world we live in, getting the privilege to learn from some of the best in their industry was an easy RED pill YESSSS!  Companies like the Raben Group, Caspian Event Science, OpEd Project, Rashad Robinson from Color of Change and so many more.

FACT: I was so sure I wouldn’t be selected. I applied anyway

TRUTH: The passion for serving my purpose matters more to me than whatever I want that is not in alignment. That was apparently why I got selected. YES TO PURPOSE!

Hi. I’m Yetunde Shorters and I am a BMe Vanguard Fellow and I want to share with you 3 Incredible Strategies I learned from being a BMe Vanguard Fellow, strategies that can compel you to apply for the next fellowship and transform your work in our world.

1. How to Navigate Inter-Personal Relationships – One of the mind-blowing sessions was with Dr. Edwin J. Nichols, PhD., a Clinical/Industrial Psychologist. When you meet someone that helps you understand at our core why every race lives and interacts with the world a certain way, it can significantly affect the way you understand yourself and other people in our world

Understanding various axiologies and epistemology gives you an opportunity and the blueprint to speak every cultural language that will get the results you need, for your work anywhere in the world.  In this session with Dr. Nichols, I got to understand who I am as a woman of African decent and knowing how to apply different axiologies to whomever I am dealing with. This knowledge alone is a powerful ability that I have started maximizing. IT FLIPPING WORKS!

2. Asset Framing – Is the innovative practice that we define people by their strengths and by their aspirations and contributions, rather than their challenges and deficits. Understanding and practicing this core value is literally like taking the RED pill and never being able to take the BLUE pill even if you wanted to. Once you understand this practice, it is almost impossible to miss how we (you, and 95% of the world) DEFICIT frame just about everything. This training by Trabian Shorters is its own entire paradigm shift that forces you to step up to the better version of yourself and you’ll find that you start genuinely seeing people differently.  You see people in a way that gives them power to be and bring their own best to the world ORGANICALLY. It’s industry changing stuff! Literally

And if you’re a social entrepreneur, all I can tell you is, prepare to see yourself and those you serve in a light that you probably never even considered. You’ll love it.

3. The Power of a Network- When you get down-to-earth influential and powerful people together, The vibe that happens is a recipe for creating a family you didn’t even know you needed. The caliber of fellows in this fellowship is mind-blowing. The way we bonded so quickly was shocking for so many of us. That’s what happens when you get people who are purpose-centered, loving and excellent in a room. We connect on SOUL-LEVELS. The strategy of giving us the experience of connecting with all kinds of people of African decent was the kind of magic needed to bring us together no matter what part of the world we are located. In watching and experiencing the many depths of these incredible down-to-earth doctors, lawyers, academics, financial gurus, tech leaders, social and philanthropic leaders, I now have connections and access to people who want my success and I theirs. You can’t pay for this kind of network. It’s earned by doing your part for the people of African decent and our world.

The deadline is February 1st 2020. It is a fellowship that I know will transform your life if you’re serious about impacting the lives of people globally, through social change. The application process is easy.  The link is www.bmecommunity.org/apply

This fellowship is for the next generation of thought leaders and you could be it. Past fellows include the owner of the largest black owned bank in America. 2 New York Times Bestselling Authors, The head of the Skillman foundation, leaders in Tech and communications, MSNBC and Today’s Show contributors, Trusted community leaders across our nation and more.


I hope you take the RED pill and get ready to see the world differently.

Much Love


3 Ways to Maximize Any Publicity You Get

After securing hundreds of publicity features for my clients over the years, I can tell you one media feature can create a new world of opportunities for you.  Getting featured in any media is a great time to bank on that energy to create more like it. There is no such thing as too much noise.  PR is about publicity, so tell the world about it. Below are 3 ways to maximize any publicity you get.



Social currency is a powerful thing. But here is the truth: special people like to feel special. Immediately you’ve secured any feature, the first thing you want to do is tell your VIP’s.  Email, phone calls, you can go old-fashioned and make copies of it and mail it to your family so they have a copy to brag about. Attach the image or link of the feature to an email to them. Be sure to let them know they are first in on this news. Let them feel your excitement about sharing this special news with them FIRST. People pay to be insiders, make your list/tribe feel special. And then, 6-12 hours later tell the whole world. Use social media, e-blast, and get 5-10 of your champions to re-tweet the same image or link. Become a trend in your inner circle for the day. Be sure to make noise for at least 2 weeks straight.



Social media is about consistency and connecting to influencers. Once you secure a solid media feature, spend the day engaging with the editor and the publication on social media. Tag them on your announcement of the feature at least 3 times in a day. It will let the writer/publication know you are excited about the feature plus, you’re showing the value of your own social currency. You can also tag other social media influencers or bloggers that compliment your brand. You should also take phrases, sound bites, or key moments of the feature and share it all day using a hashtag that works for your brand. Make sure you schedule them at integral times of day when your fans/followers are known to be online (check your account insights for this.) Create digital graphics of your quotes to share on instagram, record a video of you reading the feature and share it online. Get creative.



Telling other media you are interested in being featured on about your new media feature, is a good way to stay on their radar. You should have about 5-10 media contacts you’re building relationships with personally. Send an email to each one telling them about the feature and to consider you for a possible story or feature in their upcoming issue. Should you do this, it’s a good idea to have 3-4 fresh story ideas that will be of interest to their own publication. This can get their wheels turning on story angles that could get you even more publicity. Also tag them on instagram or twitter about the feature and use the appropriate industry hashtags.

I look forward to these tips helping you maximize any media exposure you get moving forward. Public Relations is about relating to the public, RELATE and build that relationship. That’s what it’s about. Have fun telling your story.


Learning to maximize the power of your network is one of the ways to build support and wealth for your passion or purpose. Share on X

With social media and what may seem like access to the whole world, entrepreneurs are inundated with contacts with not real system for cultivating those relationships. Learning to maximize the power of your network is one of the ways to build support and wealth for your passion or purpose. Below are 3 lists every entrepreneur needs to plan and prepare for a successful year ahead. Share on X


Your POWER LIST should have the full names, phone numbers, emails, websites, social media links etc. of 15-20 of your top influencers/6-7 figure earners in your network. These are people you should have or be cultivating a relationship with. Look into your LinkedIN, take the time to sit and think about people you hang out with. You’re probably connected to powerful and influential people. You need to learn to tap into and foster relationships with your power list. They have skills that you don’t have and you can be of value to them if you are more intentional about the connection you build.


Your WISH LIST should have the names of at least 5 people that you want to meet, learn from or build connections with in the next year. Write their names down, follow them on social media, and spend the time to engage them on things that are of interest to them. Respond to their feeds. Share thoughtful insights on their post. People remember people who engage their interests. It’s about sincerely engaging them. As you build those online relationships, your wish list can cross over to your power list or even to real true friendships where you both provide value to each other. No one is too big for you to wish to meet. NO ONE. Get on it.



Your TRIBE LIST is one of the most powerful lists you will ever have. Your tribe list should have 20 -10,000+ people who love, like, engage are interested or are fans of yours. They are champions for your cause that you should engage with frequently, to build your “tribe culture”. They see you as a leader in whatever it is you’re great at. They have the same values or close as you do.  They may not be related to you by blood, but they are related by virtues, ideals and a sense of culture. Your tribesmen and women will be the ones to buy your book, come see you talk at a live event or toot your horn to the world even if you never asked. They are the ultimate village.

In The next year you get to tap into your lists and build that business empire you’ve been talking about. IT IS POSSIBLE. Share on X

noun: tribe; 
1. any aggregate of people united by ties of descent from a common ancestor, community of customs and traditions, adherence to the same leaders, etc.

These top lists require you take the time and sit to prepare them. Spend those 60 minutes to brainstorm on them. Have an excel sheet for the Power List and Wish list and you can use a mail service (awber, malchimp etc.) for the tribe list.

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader





It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com




Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde




#1 Way To Become The Next Show Host SUPERSTAR!

#1 Way To Become The Next Oprah, Wendy or Mo Abudu

If this caught your attention, then you must have practiced being the next Oprah, Wendy or Mo Abudu with your own TV show. There is a new app in town that is making people celebrities almost instantly. If you’ve heard of it and haven’t activated it, I hope this gets you excited about it. And if you haven’t heard of it, this is your chance to get on the ground level of what is the new wave of social media. Yes, another new APP to add to our long list of social media connections. THIS ONE IS WORTH IT.

Hello everyone say a big HEY to the new free app PERISCOPE! “Where people explore the world through your eyes”, LIVE!


Periscope is a free app that allows you to stream and interact live with your mobile phone or tablet from anywhere is the world, with anyone in the world. Imagine how you watch certain stations religiously; think about your own periscope being a station “Live With Tolu”. I can log in every Tuesday at 1pm and know that you will be on, sharing whatever “your thing is” at that time. If you have great content, you can have viewers who will come regularly for your “program.


You can be intentional and strategic about how you use it. Develop your own show idea, Talk show, comedy, daily gist, sight seeing around town, restaurant review, business tips, life of a fashion blogger, relationship advice or as I have, Life of a Serial Entrepreneur. Find me @Yetunde on periscope. I share my experiences, lessons, ups and downs of running my business with the world. All periscopes are only available for 24 hours and you build engagement by accumulating heartthrobs and followers (people simply double tap their screens to give you hearts. It’s the equivalent of likes). With Periscope you can also choose to allow only your followers watch your live feed. It can also be open to the world. It’s your choice.


Yes, in less than 5 months, there are incredible people that have used and are using periscope to build their brand and a name for themselves. If you have a niche with great content and an engaging personality, people tune in to watch your show and people get to spread the word about you. More people know you and engage your content; more people push your star power. Here are 5 people I recommend you follow on periscope.

Alex Pettitt – Award Winning Broadcaster/Periscope Coach

Ebong Eka – Life and Business Coach/Strategist

Danielle Ford – Marketing/Social Media Expert

Krista Jennings – Productivity/ Time Management Coach

Yetunde – Lifestyle Entrepreneur/PR and Branding Strategist


You can make money by first building your follower base, providing great and compelling content, then taking those numbers and that great content to advertisers to pay you for your power of influence. Product placement is also a great way to get paid. So e.g. if you wear a t-shirt or use a lipstick by a specific company on one of your scopes, they can pay you for that exposure to your followers and many more ways.


I joined Periscope when it launched in March, but stayed dormant until recently and I have only just begun to activate its power. There is one person I have followed on Periscope from day one and his name is Alex Pettitt. With over 97K followers in less than 5 months, he is #No1 and most loved for sharing periscope top tips. Find him on youtube <<click here to see all his videos on how to tap into the power of Periscope.

Periscope is one of the few live feed apps that has activated more people since it launched on March 26th. It is also tied to your twitter account. The goal with any online venture should be consistency, engagement and providing value and people will come.

If you do it right, this new APP can help you increase your star power, build profits as you grow your content/audience and build a life as a “Periscoper”. HAPPY SCOPING!

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader






It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI AM the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful brand that is profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com




Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde

7 Steps to a Profitable and Purposeful Brand

It’s official we have stepped into the era of total SELF PROMOTION. Here is however how YOU can stand out this year. These 7 easy steps help you identify what really matters for a purpose driven and profitable brand. One of the secrets to a successful brand is being very clear on what YOU have to offer to OTHERS that adds value to their lives.

You are more likely to be top of mind when people know your brand makes them feel better about themselves. Not about you, but about themselves. Your audience is the HERO of the story. Have that in mind as you step more into this year. Your personal brand should be meaningful. Your AUTHENTICITY is what will make you stand out, and bank on that for a profitable year ahead.


This is probably the one word that eludes a lot of people. PURPOSE. What in the world is it I am here to do? It’s usually pretty simple. Purpose is almost always about others. There are many ways to identify your purpose. I find that it usually comes from one of these 4 experiences: Promise: you have an experience and then decide and promise yourself to change things for people, Passion: passion is irrational. All you know is that if you don’t do it, life would cease to exist as a happy place for you and those you love. Pain: Something difficult happens that transforms your life and now you want to help transform the life of others. Opportunity: You see/bump into a need in the world and you find yourself wanting to make life better for others. Once you have zoned in on what it is that is your purpose, you should identify who would value it: Age, hobbies, habits, where they spend their time, how to reach them etc


Image goes a long way in making a first impression. There is usually always more to a book than it’s cover. However, you are more likely to open a book with an attractive cover. And if the story matches or exceeds the cover design, BRAVO! Invest in a professional shoot. I promise you it is worth the investment. A good shoot with a good photographer will be able to capture the real you that translates through images and taps into the purpose you have identified. Your image includes all visual collateral that will be a part of your brand image for the next 365 days.


Nike did it best. Their representative is the all too famous swoosh. Your logo is your representative in the brand world. If you pay $20 for a logo, you’ll get a $20 worthy logo. Invest in a customized design that speaks to the value you offer and the audience you are targeting. Your return on the investment is worth that extra hundreds to pay. Invest in your own purpose.


Content, Content, Content. Be clear and direct about the value you offer. Understand what emotional triggers your value taps into, develop your biography, website content, advertising copy and do away with jargon words. Be clear, concise and engaging.


Most people don’t realize they are almost always marketing. When you’re convincing your friends to go out with you, or telling them how awesome that new hair company or hair stylist is, that is well under marketing and Public Relations. So relax you already have years of practice doing this. Now you have to do it consciously. Decide on what platform you want to publicize your purposeful brand. TV, Social Media, Radio, Podcast, Live Events etc. I suggest you pick your top 2 and build relationships then pitch to the world media why your value is of benefit to them.


Now more than any other time in our history, you literally have access to the world. That power that social media has offered must be viewed as an opportunity. An opportunity for you to change and reach the lives of so many people with how you and what you offer, can make their lives better. I know social media can be overwhelming. Relax, pick your top 2 or 3 platforms and be a master at it. Build friendships across the world and capitalize on the power of social media to share your purpose


It’s a sweet spot when the thing that you identify as your purpose now serves to help create financial freedom for you and your family and build profits. This is where you have to make a commitment to your purpose and put in the work required to build your purposeful brand. Learn new ways to generate revenue with a personal brand. Understand your finances, operate from a place of abundance and always remember your why. WHY DO YOU HELP OTHERS? Once you understand and accept the value that you offer. Your audience that sees the value you offer would pay your asking price.

All in all, your brand will evolve overtime, and even your purpose might evolve as you grow. The trick is to stay hungry for knowledge, keep learning and keep connecting to how you can be of benefit to others.

I wish you a purposeful and profitable year ahead.

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader





It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com



Connect With Yetunde:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/yetundeshorters

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/icyacademy

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/yetunde

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/icypr

Periscope: http://www.periscope.tv/Yetunde