Purpose to Profit Secrets in Action

FB Friend, I have new news. But first, story time lol
So on 7.7.7 I launched ICY PR into the world and I did it specifically because I wanted to support small business owners who could share their knowledge and products with the world. I think in international, global terms, so I always dream then do big for my clients and my work.
In these 14+ years a lot has happened and I can sincerely say I forget how much we’ve done until we look back to see what we have done.
In December I had a coach who I was new to make a back-handed social media comment that I know specifically was around what I shared in our session about the work I do for women. Her comment was about how one shouldn’t make commitments about helping people live through their purpose, you should focus on the fact that you get them clarity.”
I was offended and I didn’t know why at the time, then I chatted with a friend and she said “MAM, just because she can’t and doesn’t do that, she probably can’t see how it’s possible that you can.”
lol I was like “yeah, you’re right”. I have conservatively secured now, over 1500 media features in my career. supported 14 entrepreneurs in becoming Best Selling Authors, Gotten my clients exposed to over 100 million people literally, from Latin America to Africa to North America. I am 41 about to be 42. I have literally been doing this consciously since I was 18. And I have incredible results to prove it.
From working with some of Africa’s biggest stars like DavidO, Stephanie Linus and a few others I can’t share as per lifetime NDA lol to working with some incredible Grammy Award winning artist and Dance music brands from American Ballet Theatre to Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre to Pianist Lang Lang and a lot more when I was Director of Marketing and PR at CAF. To small business owners in London, Nigeria, America, Canada, Caribbean, Latin America etc.
We’ve donee a lottttt. So I do know how to do this and still helping incredible Entrepreneurs get results. Heck!! last week got 6 professional women get featured in Today’s Purpose Woman Magazine sharing their purpose work and expertise.
There is a method to the Purpose. And since I am RADICALLY CLEAR on how I am supposed to guide my clients with all I have learnt and still learning, I am going all out and I say this with no humility: MY LIGHT WILL ATTRACT so that those I am meant to serve can spot me and I can serve my God calling.
It took me almost 20 years to realize how simple this Purpose this is supposed to be. YUP. I cracked the code on the simplicity. It’s supposed to be simple actually. The work you’re looking to do to feel validated is in the mastery and action of the DOING your part.
And so, my new news is this:
As we step into year 15, (we will be 15 on 7.7.22) we have officially evolved into a coaching and consulting international company. We are now officially and legally called
Our mission: to support women and a few men in stepping fully into their purpose, using their personal brand, without stress & confusion, information overload, or time wasting so they can have global impact & earn substantial income consistently.
If you’re nudged intuitively to learn more about the PURPOSE P.O.W.E.R BOOTCAMP, feel free to DM me.

It hurts because It could be me and you know that

As a black woman, every time I hear stories about how people who look like me are brutalized & killed by Caucasian/pass for Caucasian police and self-appointed police, it literally physically hurts & I cry just about every time. This brutality happens every day, don’t be fooled into thinking it’s once in a while.⁣⁣

I get angry and I work hard not to get to hopeless, because I believe in I get angry and I work hard not to get to hopeless, because I believe in HOPE and I believe in the power of CHANGE + ACTION. See, change can be trusted because it always shows up, it always happens and it guarantees that NO CONDITION IS EVER PERMANENT however many eons something may take to change. CHANGE IS DEPENDABLE. And I find comfort in its POWER.⁣⁣

Today, I also realized how many of my white friends have NO IDEA about my experience of racism in this country. I imagine they think, I am that “different African chic”.

I also realized I don’t share my experiences because a part of me feels why bother, they won’t get it and I’ll still be seen as “but you’re different.” NOPE, I AM NOT.

So, I’m making a choice to actively have those conversations more, and actively share what my friends can do to make a change that can deeply reduce the racism (assuming they want to).

I also believe in finding solutions; knowing what to do about something is how I maintain and build my personal POWER.

In this time and through my morning meditation today, I got a clear message:

  1. “Yetunde, I sent you here to get more women to step into their purpose, because the world will be a better place when more people are living in PURPOSE, so stay focused on what I sent you here for” “YES GOD, Got it!”
  2. “I know you’re angry. I know you hurt, and across the world even if all black people don’t personally know each of these people, your soul power is what makes you feel this so deeply every time, and you will never be desensitized because you are part of the solution.”
  3. “Love is the answer and love needs power, justice, defense, protection and so many things to be fully experienced, so do something different today with what you share.”

From my years of reading on politics and world changes, from Apartheid South Africa, to the murder of George Floyd, two things always make change happen.

  1. Active and prolonged boycott that affects financial gains MAJORLY
  2. Voting who you want in office that has the interest of all of our collective humanity in mind.

So, today’s JUST 5 MINUTES FRIDAY attempts to be a piece that may shift your mindset and get you to COMMIT to the long term freedom of all of US.

There are lessons only you have learned and experienced that can literally transform someone’s life. ⁣It is your soul’s responsibility to share that message before you exit this planet. ⁣

If you’re reading this and you are serious about action driven change,


What can you share to help?

Follow @YetundeShorters ⁣to make sure you’re plugged in for the Just5 Features.

Please NOTE: I’ll delete anything hurtful, cruel and bait focused. This is my website and I will use that privilege.

just5friday #racisminamerica #changeisinevitable #womenentrepreneur #yetundeshorters #womenentrepreneurship #raceandentrepreneurship #womeninbuisness #personalpower #politicalpower #financialpower #womenwithpurpose #purposedrivenwoman #womanofpurpose #authenticwomen #womeninbeauty #womensupportingeachother #whitepriviledge #buildyourpower


See, change can be trusted because it always shows up, it always happens and it guarantees that NO CONDITION IS EVER PERMANENT however many eons something may take to change. CHANGE IS DEPENDABLE. And I find comfort in its POWER. Share on X

Much Love




Branding for Non-profits

In honor of Martin Luther King Day, ICY PR is giving 3 tips on how to brand your Non-Profit organization in order to increase impact, visibility and serve.

“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Minister, Civil Rights Activist

The idea that everyone can make an impact is a big part of our signature program ICY Academy. We teach go getters, and those willing to serve their audience with their purpose, the ability to increase their own effectiveness by handing you to the tools of the trade that we have mustered up over the last 15 years as a public relations firm.

Branding for the non-profit sector isn’t just a bonus, but an absolute must. A brand is more than a visual identity: the name, logo, and graphic design used by an organization.Think of brand management as a tool for FUNDRAISING. Branding allows a story to be told. With non profits, those stories move individuals to action for change.

Here are some things to consider in order to boost your 501 (c) 3’s online branding initiatives

1. Consider a marketing or PR staff member on your leadership team.

2. Create powerful images. Record and share your good works—professionally. The choice to use an amateur photographer/videographer or a professional is the difference of how you want the public to engage in your work.

3. Recruit a group of volunteer social media influencers who are willing to share your powerful images. Nonprofits are skilled at finding community leaders to help push an initiative through a neighborhood or city. Think of social media influencers as a similar concept, except virtually. A social media influencer is someone who wields that influence through social media.