
The Surprisingly Easy Way to Ruin Your Personal Brand.

If you’ve jumped on the personal branding bandwagon, and you think creating a personal brand that is all about you will make you the next Gary V., you are already down the wrong path. Cuz even Gary V. doesn’t talk about Gary V. Look, I understand. I completely get it. I’ve been there. I wasted time and money. The surprisingly easy way to ruin your personal brand is to think it’s all about you. **SPOILER ALERT*** It’s not.

Every brand coach is out here telling you to just launch your personal brand, create a website, launch a course, give your followers an opt in they can’t resist, so you can get their emails and sell to them

So tell me this: Does everyone you know who has a self- serving personal brand or website, and sales page attract paying clients?


But of course not.

But think about it for a second. What does every SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR with a personal brand have?

THEY BUILD BASED ON THEIR PURPOSE, HOW THEY CAN SERVE OTHERS: and here is the kicker: many of them still get to do many of the fun things they enjoy, heck some of them even buy other types of companies that do the other things they love. Talk about Multi-passionate Purposeful Entrepreneur. Yup they exist.

The truth is, they have a focused PURPOSE-CENTERED product or service that they offer to thousands and millions of people.

They have content that is engaging, powerful and customized to their personality yet incredibly valuable to those they SERVE. They all build wealth through this purpose. They all let the world know how they can help it, and then, they took what worked excellently and used it over and over and over again.

Can you think of any successful entrepreneur who has a personal brand who isn’t focused on something PURPOSEFUL?

Can you find me any successful entrepreneur who doesn’t have their message zoned in, with stellar content that converts and engages their ideal paying customer?

Can you find me any successful entrepreneur who hasn’t built wealth from their purpose? Heck If you’re a Mac user, you bought Steve Jobs Product. There is a 50% chance you’re using an iOs Device right now to watch, read or listen to this message. He made wealth from his purpose. Then he figured out what worked (slick design, quality product and a focus on his ideal clients CREATIVES. Yup that’s YOU.) He created this product for you. His message is clear. If you’re using a MAC, You’re a creative.

Here is how you can build your own successful purpose-centered personal brand that attracts paying clients.

Remember, if you don’t get crystal clarity on your purpose, you’re going to keep loosing time and money because you’re spread too thin on all your passions. Share on X

First you have to get crystal clarity on what your purpose is. And it’s okay to be a multi-passionate entrepreneur, but a purpose breakthrough session helps you identity what to spend your most valuable time and resources on.

Second creating and developing your outstanding content that makes it easy for you to be loved, respected and paid by your ideal clients.

Third, you’ll need to identify how you want to build wealth through your purpose . Here you get to provide products or services that excite you and excite your ideal paying clients even more

Once you’ve gotten these top 3 core details together, then you’ll want to launch and launch big, with confidence, easily securing media features, blogs, podcasts and radio shows highlighting your story and how your product or service transforms lives.

And finally you take some time to review what worked with your process and perfect that and do just that perfected process all over again to get consistent results.

Remember, if you don’t get crystal clarity on your purpose, you’re going to keep loosing time and money because you’re spread too thin on all your passions. You’re going to keep pumping out content that doesn’t connect or engage with your ideal paying customers, you’re going to be selling the wrong product or service and wonder why you’re not making substantial income from it. You’re going to have a whole noise making launch of what you do that flops with only 0.5% of your ideal paying clients even aware you did a launch. You’re going to keep repeating strategies that don’t work and wonder why they are not working. Chances are you’ve probably experienced one or two of these things, if not all in the past 6-9 months.

So you can either be the entrepreneur who continues to think that having a self-serving personal brand or a personal website a cute opt-in and a sales page will help you attract your ideal paying customers who adore your purpose


An Entrepreneur who lives purposefully, earns her profits confidently, is authentically herself and builds status as the top expert in her industry. Share on X

You can be the entrepreneur who decides to step fully into her purpose, in spite of any fears, someone who wants to get crystal clear on what she has been called to do on this earth, attract and be attractive to the people she has been created specifically to help, people who will pay her anything she asks, without questions. An Entrepreneur who lives purposefully, earns her profits confidently, is authentically herself and builds status as the top expert in her industry.

And if that’s you. Then you know exactly what to do next.
Click the link below and sign up for my Purpose Breakthrough Session
I look forward to supporting you in Living through Purpose, Attracting paying clients and being celebrated as a profitable leader in your industry.

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It hurts because It could be me and you know that

As a black woman, every time I hear stories about how people who look like me are brutalized & killed by Caucasian/pass for Caucasian police and self-appointed police, it literally physically hurts & I cry just about every time. This brutality happens every day, don’t be fooled into thinking it’s once in a while.⁣⁣

I get angry and I work hard not to get to hopeless, because I believe in I get angry and I work hard not to get to hopeless, because I believe in HOPE and I believe in the power of CHANGE + ACTION. See, change can be trusted because it always shows up, it always happens and it guarantees that NO CONDITION IS EVER PERMANENT however many eons something may take to change. CHANGE IS DEPENDABLE. And I find comfort in its POWER.⁣⁣

Today, I also realized how many of my white friends have NO IDEA about my experience of racism in this country. I imagine they think, I am that “different African chic”.

I also realized I don’t share my experiences because a part of me feels why bother, they won’t get it and I’ll still be seen as “but you’re different.” NOPE, I AM NOT.

So, I’m making a choice to actively have those conversations more, and actively share what my friends can do to make a change that can deeply reduce the racism (assuming they want to).

I also believe in finding solutions; knowing what to do about something is how I maintain and build my personal POWER.

In this time and through my morning meditation today, I got a clear message:

  1. “Yetunde, I sent you here to get more women to step into their purpose, because the world will be a better place when more people are living in PURPOSE, so stay focused on what I sent you here for” “YES GOD, Got it!”
  2. “I know you’re angry. I know you hurt, and across the world even if all black people don’t personally know each of these people, your soul power is what makes you feel this so deeply every time, and you will never be desensitized because you are part of the solution.”
  3. “Love is the answer and love needs power, justice, defense, protection and so many things to be fully experienced, so do something different today with what you share.”

From my years of reading on politics and world changes, from Apartheid South Africa, to the murder of George Floyd, two things always make change happen.

  1. Active and prolonged boycott that affects financial gains MAJORLY
  2. Voting who you want in office that has the interest of all of our collective humanity in mind.

So, today’s JUST 5 MINUTES FRIDAY attempts to be a piece that may shift your mindset and get you to COMMIT to the long term freedom of all of US.

There are lessons only you have learned and experienced that can literally transform someone’s life. ⁣It is your soul’s responsibility to share that message before you exit this planet. ⁣

If you’re reading this and you are serious about action driven change,


What can you share to help?

Follow @YetundeShorters ⁣to make sure you’re plugged in for the Just5 Features.

Please NOTE: I’ll delete anything hurtful, cruel and bait focused. This is my website and I will use that privilege.

just5friday #racisminamerica #changeisinevitable #womenentrepreneur #yetundeshorters #womenentrepreneurship #raceandentrepreneurship #womeninbuisness #personalpower #politicalpower #financialpower #womenwithpurpose #purposedrivenwoman #womanofpurpose #authenticwomen #womeninbeauty #womensupportingeachother #whitepriviledge #buildyourpower


See, change can be trusted because it always shows up, it always happens and it guarantees that NO CONDITION IS EVER PERMANENT however many eons something may take to change. CHANGE IS DEPENDABLE. And I find comfort in its POWER. Share on X

Much Love




How to Systematize Everything

Hey Entrepreneur.

If you’ve ever looked at another entrepreneur and wondered “how da heck does she even have time to do all this stuff” she has systematized everything, and you need to learn this skill too.

She’s got good systems.

It’s true. The most productive people all have one thing in common: they don’t reinvent the wheel every day. Instead, they’ve figured out the best, most efficient way to do every task, and they create a system to do just that. Share on X

No matter what business you’re in and what projects you find yourself tackling, a systematized approach will help you:

• Work faster and produce more
• Produce higher quality results with fewer mistakes
• Easily outsource the tasks you don’t like to do

The Magic of Templates

How many times do you answer email from potential clients? What about responding to customer complaints? Or saying a polite no to those people wanting you to meet up to pick your brain for a coffee chat?

All of these tasks and more become effortless when you create fill-in-the-blank templates that can be repurposed for specific cases/people. Templates can be as simple as a “canned response” in your email client or help desk, or you can use software such as Text Expander (for Mac) or Phrase Express (for Windows). You might even create a template document in Evernote, Mac note or Google Drive to house all your templates for easier access.

While templates will undoubtedly save you time, the real beauty is that once they’re created, you can easily outsource things like email and even sales. Simply instruct your Virtual assistant on the proper use of your templates, and you’ll be free to do other, more important things.

Checklists Prevent Mistakes

I have multiple checklist. One for even writing this blog post, one for going live, one for recording my videos and writing articles. It might seem counter-intuitive, but when you perform the same tasks over and over again, it’s easy to miss a critical step. You might think you did all you needed or that live-stream this week— you might even remember doing it—only to look back and you missed two steps that affected your post promotion.

But when you implement checklists, it’s suddenly much more difficult to miss an important task.

You can easily create checklists for all your common tasks and projects using nothing more than a text document. I do the most so I use Apple Pages and make it look all fancy lol. If you’re managing a team, checklists in your project management system allow you to see exactly what tasks are complete, and which are still outstanding. Think of it as a to do list for each task

Templates and checklists turn smart business owners into productivity Queens, and it’s easy to get started. The next time you answer an email you’ve answered before, save your response. The next time you set up a new product in your shopping cart or create a new opt-in page, take the time to record the steps. These documents will make future projects easier and faster to complete, and best of all, you can hand them off to your assistant to do instead.

So, tell me which tip would you implement to work for you?

Much Love


3 Incredible Strategies I Learned From Being a BMe Vanguard Fellow (THE MATRIX IS INVOLVED)

This fellowship is the kind that created PARADIGM SHIFTS that have actively changed my thinking. No kidding, it was like being in the matrix and being offered two PILLS. I HAD TO CHOOSE.

On April 26th 2019, I received the offer to take the RED pill or the BLUE Pill. So what happened was ehm… well, I went for the RED pill.

Why? You ask, with the crazy world we live in, getting the privilege to learn from some of the best in their industry was an easy RED pill YESSSS!  Companies like the Raben Group, Caspian Event Science, OpEd Project, Rashad Robinson from Color of Change and so many more.

FACT: I was so sure I wouldn’t be selected. I applied anyway

TRUTH: The passion for serving my purpose matters more to me than whatever I want that is not in alignment. That was apparently why I got selected. YES TO PURPOSE!

Hi. I’m Yetunde Shorters and I am a BMe Vanguard Fellow and I want to share with you 3 Incredible Strategies I learned from being a BMe Vanguard Fellow, strategies that can compel you to apply for the next fellowship and transform your work in our world.

1. How to Navigate Inter-Personal Relationships – One of the mind-blowing sessions was with Dr. Edwin J. Nichols, PhD., a Clinical/Industrial Psychologist. When you meet someone that helps you understand at our core why every race lives and interacts with the world a certain way, it can significantly affect the way you understand yourself and other people in our world

Understanding various axiologies and epistemology gives you an opportunity and the blueprint to speak every cultural language that will get the results you need, for your work anywhere in the world.  In this session with Dr. Nichols, I got to understand who I am as a woman of African decent and knowing how to apply different axiologies to whomever I am dealing with. This knowledge alone is a powerful ability that I have started maximizing. IT FLIPPING WORKS!

2. Asset Framing – Is the innovative practice that we define people by their strengths and by their aspirations and contributions, rather than their challenges and deficits. Understanding and practicing this core value is literally like taking the RED pill and never being able to take the BLUE pill even if you wanted to. Once you understand this practice, it is almost impossible to miss how we (you, and 95% of the world) DEFICIT frame just about everything. This training by Trabian Shorters is its own entire paradigm shift that forces you to step up to the better version of yourself and you’ll find that you start genuinely seeing people differently.  You see people in a way that gives them power to be and bring their own best to the world ORGANICALLY. It’s industry changing stuff! Literally

And if you’re a social entrepreneur, all I can tell you is, prepare to see yourself and those you serve in a light that you probably never even considered. You’ll love it.

3. The Power of a Network- When you get down-to-earth influential and powerful people together, The vibe that happens is a recipe for creating a family you didn’t even know you needed. The caliber of fellows in this fellowship is mind-blowing. The way we bonded so quickly was shocking for so many of us. That’s what happens when you get people who are purpose-centered, loving and excellent in a room. We connect on SOUL-LEVELS. The strategy of giving us the experience of connecting with all kinds of people of African decent was the kind of magic needed to bring us together no matter what part of the world we are located. In watching and experiencing the many depths of these incredible down-to-earth doctors, lawyers, academics, financial gurus, tech leaders, social and philanthropic leaders, I now have connections and access to people who want my success and I theirs. You can’t pay for this kind of network. It’s earned by doing your part for the people of African decent and our world.

The deadline is February 1st 2020. It is a fellowship that I know will transform your life if you’re serious about impacting the lives of people globally, through social change. The application process is easy.  The link is www.bmecommunity.org/apply

This fellowship is for the next generation of thought leaders and you could be it. Past fellows include the owner of the largest black owned bank in America. 2 New York Times Bestselling Authors, The head of the Skillman foundation, leaders in Tech and communications, MSNBC and Today’s Show contributors, Trusted community leaders across our nation and more.


I hope you take the RED pill and get ready to see the world differently.

Much Love


What is Marketing?


Think about the word Market. What is a market? according to the dictionary, a market is a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.
So, once you understand what a market is, think of marketing as the act of promoting and selling your products or services so that people can buy what you offer. They pay you for something they need, that you offer.