In honor of Martin Luther King Day, ICY PR is giving 3 tips on how to brand your Non-Profit organization in order to increase impact, visibility and serve.
“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
Minister, Civil Rights Activist
The idea that everyone can make an impact is a big part of our signature program ICY Academy. We teach go getters, and those willing to serve their audience with their purpose, the ability to increase their own effectiveness by handing you to the tools of the trade that we have mustered up over the last 15 years as a public relations firm.
Branding for the non-profit sector isn’t just a bonus, but an absolute must. A brand is more than a visual identity: the name, logo, and graphic design used by an organization.Think of brand management as a tool for FUNDRAISING. Branding allows a story to be told. With non profits, those stories move individuals to action for change.
Here are some things to consider in order to boost your 501 (c) 3’s online branding initiatives
1. Consider a marketing or PR staff member on your leadership team.
2. Create powerful images. Record and share your good works—professionally. The choice to use an amateur photographer/videographer or a professional is the difference of how you want the public to engage in your work.
3. Recruit a group of volunteer social media influencers who are willing to share your powerful images. Nonprofits are skilled at finding community leaders to help push an initiative through a neighborhood or city. Think of social media influencers as a similar concept, except virtually. A social media influencer is someone who wields that influence through social media.
It’s so simple, those who use these secrets understand its power and they use it diligently. Chances are you know one or two or more of these secrets but if you are not using it, it is time you begin. There are over 2 Billion Internet users in the world. If you are reading this, you are one of them. Imagine how many people you can connect to, influence, or build relationships with to foster your brand, your product or service. These secrets are free and simple.
Remember when your mother used to say if you are going to do something at all, do it well. If you want to build your blogger empire and be the next Fashion Bomb Daily, you have to do like she did and be consistent. On whatever platform you choose to build your social media profile. Twitter, facebook, pinterest, whatever you choose, be consistent. If you blog every other day, be consistent, let your audience build a relationship with your schedule. BE CONSISTENT in the type of content you share and your message about who you are.
If you pay attention to those with high number of followers on instagram or pinterest who are active, the types of images they post have a theme. Figure out your “image look”. If you will use text and image, make your photos black and white or post funny jokes; the images you share can affect engagement. Use phone apps like Made with Studio to brand your images on social media.
Forget about being completely private those days are long gone. People connect to people. All those days of a professional only persona these days, that almost guarantees little or no connect for you or whatever you are selling. BE HUMAN. Share some things about you that people can connect to and watch how easily people connect to you.
This is the secret that so many people don’t know what to do with or how to use. Many of us know or have met so many people online and offline, but when it is time to activate our network, we have a momentary freak out session. Don’t stress about it. It’s really simple. Provide value for others and it’s really, truly, human nature; people will inevitably come to your support. Be a part of their own lives, not just being all about yours. People and brands that forget this slowly slip into the abyss and wonder what happened. They stopped providing value and being a part of the lives of those who follow them. ENGAGE and ACTIVATE your NETWORK.
We are relational beings. No man is an island and in social media you bump into people in the virtual world daily. Say “Hi, how is your day?” Make it a point to connect with one new person a week. And foster those connections, comment on their page their instagram take a genuine interest in who they are and how you may be able to support them. Not a transaction but a value that you can offer, positive vibes, laughter, motivation. Offer something that is not about money. People are more apt to support and help those they have some kind of relations with. BUILD THOSE RELATIONSHIP. HAVE FUN. People are fascinating. Be open to learning from the best others have to offer.
Ultimately you are the secret to all this being activated. All these secrets activated simultaneously make for a powerful profile and brand. Pay attention to all those you know who have social media influence and power. You will realize they do all 5. Start practicing today. MAKE A CONNECTION.
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I am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.
When you have figured out what name you want for yourself, there is something about a logo that can do the talking for you before you even show your face. Deciding on the right color, shape or font to represent you is powerful. Take the time to invest in a great graphic design team and let your logo speak for you. If you do it right, you can use the same logo for years, and just change the color for whatever campaign or project you are developing. Here are some celebrity logos that do it right.
2. Plan a memorable photo-shoot
Like it or not, taking photos frequently and releasing it with a project or an editorial can keep you in the news. Take it one step further and do a creative shoot. Get inspired by artists in Asia, Europe and Africa and even in unique shoot locations where you are (that bridge you’ve always imagined taking a photo on, that skyline atop that building you drove by for years, that hut that would make for a great contrast). Think outside the box. Work with creative people to produce images that present the best image of you to the world. We love pictures. We’ll keep talking about how hot your new shoot was, until you do the next one.
3. Hire a PR Pro
So you have an image and need someone to let the world know what you are doing and what projects or collaborations you have coming up etc. It’s time to Hire a Public Relations Professional. Someone who has relationships with various media houses and can create strategic partnerships for your publicity that keeps you in the news. Even when you do not have any music or project running, a publicist knows how to keep you relevant. A manager and a publicist are two different people. Hire a Publicist.
4. Social Media Engagement
Social media is your new best friend. Be one with it, get used to it, but manage the time you spend on it. Learn to engage your fans and followers. Have 10-20 people you pay attention to and engage them fully on facebook post or tweets. Rotate those people every couple of months, pick a new set. Always have a call to action when you are pushing a campaign on social media. Call to Action means when you post, what else do you want us to do? E.g “I just launched my second album. Tell me what you think of it” or “share your favorite track and tell me why you like it.” A call to action keeps you and your fans engaged. People connect to people. When they connect to you, they invest their time and money on you.
5. Create Partnerships
The easiest way to stay in the news when things seem slow as a celebrity, is to form partnerships with people, companies or NGO’s that are relevant to your brand and are almost always in the news. E.g your new film is not launching for another 9 months, research an ngo that could use your own star power. Work with them to do some good, get your publicist to put it in the news, engage your fans to do good for that day (while you share pictures) and when your album launches, you have ambassadors to do more marketing for you. It’s a win, win. You help others out and you stay relevant.
It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.
I am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.
I was very compelled to share this with you after a tweet chat last week with my PR colleagues. This is a list I share with my retainer clients. I had to come up with 10 ethical issues that I thought new PR clients have to deal with. Fellow PR professionals, feel free to use this for your clients. And all you awesome emerging entrepreneurs, make your publicists work easier by using many of these tips for your business. I hope you take this to heart and activate some or all of them to help your brand succeed.
This means from this day forth, everything you say, do or share has to be intentional about the message of your brand. No more random posts, no more venting on social media. If you feel the need to vent, count to 20 (LITERALLY or wait a day) and then decide if you still want to post that emotion. If you do or do not post, at least you had momentarily think time.
Your audience/customers are the number one most important part of this process. What you offer them must be at all times the truth about your product or service. It is important that you respect them at all times online or in-person. Yes, even when they may not respect themselves. They are the reason you are in business. Building a relationship with them gets you a lifetime of clients. Take it seriously.
As you step into this journey that is your brand purpose, please understand that you are officially your brand spokesperson. It is important that you be your best self as often as possible. You will have trolls and naysayers; you will also have supporters and fans. The trick is to remain the constant in this relationship process, the constant you, that is about the best part of what you are selling to the world.
I recommend that you keep your personal stories in the public space PERSONAL. That means: the public does not need to know everything about you. People almost always misinterpret intentions and emotions. You should rather err on the side of not sharing deeply personal issues. Keep things light, relatable and honest. In unique circumstances, you may share a deeply personal story, but only if it is for the greater good, or for a story angle on your brand, not just new information on a “just because” clause. In building personal connections that you will experience on this journey, please follow the same principles of being your best self in those relationships.
It is always important to PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! before any interview, read and re-read any copy that your PR rep needs you to, for clarity and understanding. Should you ever be faced with a question on a live interview that throws you off, it is actually ok to THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. It may be awkward, but we would rather you reply with some thought, than thoughtlessly. If you give a thoughtless answer, well lets just say the crisis management may cost you a lot of money or your brand, and we cannot afford that. So, a couple of seconds of thought is a better choice than any thoughtless engagement.
I would like you to remember that as your social media fan base grows do not underestimate the power of social media. It is important. You now have to constantly remember, whether you like it or not, you are officially a role model
(GLOBALLY, as the internet is worldwide). Stop thinking you are talking to your real life friends. Your fans and your 2000+ fb followers are not your friends. Be intentional about what you say online. Again, just as it is okay to think before you talk or respond to press, it is okay to think before you hit that tweet or publish button.
Should any of the trolls or naysayers start a rumor or escalate a minor misunderstanding, you should at no point in time resort to social media bashing or subliminal messaging online about the situation. In those cases (thought rare), please call your publicist and share EVERYTHING you know about the situation (it helps when we know the whole truth, so we can address it head on professionally, either with a press release, media alert or PR strategy). You can also call your attorney and let them advice you on the next step. But never respond emotionally and publicly without communication with your PR and LEGAL team.
As your team develops a relationship with you and the media or future partners, please note, at no time are you allowed to discuss dealings in meetings with anyone except your attorney or your PR team. So those random tweets or instagram selfies “live at the meeting”. THINK TWICE and ask for permission. It is important that you build trust with the media and your partners as a brand with integrity. Until they sign on the dotted line, do not blast it off on social media.
As we know, integrity is important in building relationships. If at any point you have some partnerships or friendships that appear to be a conflict of interest with your brand, discuss it openly. 9 times out of 10 I would rather eliminate the conflict unless in unique circumstances.
Change is usually uncomfortable, but it is more fun when you are open to it. Have fun being you, have fun with all you will learn. I recognize that some or all of the above messages may seem challenging or new to you, I know it works. I look forward to it working for you to amplify your brand positively in the media, with your target market and support you in being your best self.
It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.
I am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.
Let’s face it, the new social media has everyone competing for who can attract more attention and get more engagement at the expense of our leisure time. Frankly, it’s exhausting and can waste a lot of time. I am recommending apps that require little or no time to create strong and engaging imagery to facilitate conversations and excitement According to 3M Corporation, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. That’s one answer, if you ever wondered why you engage more on images on Facebook and Instagram than on twitter or long winded social media paragraphs. So here are 5 apps to help you save time, look hotter and engage more followers.
I remember the first time I saw this app in action. I was fascinated. Before then, all most people did on instagram/facebook was post single images or collages of images, but being able to post a video(s) with images simultaneously and you can add some music as a soundtrack? Talk about being in the know. Now, you too can be in on this. Look for it on your iphone or android
Tip: It helps to tell a story with the collage, or make a combination that is interesting and people are inevitably going to respond to interesting and shareable content.
This is an example of how you can use pic play post on Facebook or Instagram:
So, think about Studio Design as Photoshop for the clueless. You can add depth to your images using icons, words, odd shapes and produce a final image that makes you feel you just designed your very own campaign. In a social media world where image really is an anchor, what better way than to attract an audience than to make your words look and pop like images.
This is an example of how studio design can add some character to your images.
With the 1001 new ways to collage a picture for use on twitter, Facebook or Instagram, this app is cool because when you don’t like a collage combination, Instead of going back to a different collage template and starting over (time wasting), you shake the camera and it gives you a different option for your collage. It’s quick, fun and it presents your images in a variety of ways that makes for interesting layouts.
Plug in a quote on social media that people find interesting and you will more than likely get people sharing it, or affirming that they agree with you (engagement). Textgram can turn your inspiring quotes into works of art. They have many layout options, color choices and various fonts. A combination of these can get you tapping into your audience attention and engagement in no time.
lnsta PicFX is like a collage app on cloud 9. It spices up your images with really cool colorful overlays. And once an image is visually stimulating, you get people to respond even if they intended to or not. That is the power of strong and engaging imagery, sometimes, we can’t help ourselves, we just like or share. Here is an example of what the app did when I pugged in Zainab Balogun’s recent shoot for Clan Fashion Label.
With all these tools, keep in mind people love stories. So be intentional about the story you want to share with your fans/followers/audience. And endeavor to tell stories with your content as often as you can. People connect to people; help your fans and followers connect to you.
It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.
I am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.
In my 15 years in public relations and marketing, I have worked with over 100 celebrities from the pop music industry, to the classical music industry to the film industry. I noticed that they all share certain characteristics. Understanding these truths can help you shift your own thinking and help you too be “celebrated”. The biggest difference between you and any celebrity is that way more people know them and celebrate them than they do you. Let’s face it; your moment of fame when you sang in primary school or in that play in kindergarten was your premier “celebrity moment”. We’ve all had some kind of taste of “celebrity”. Mastering those things we experienced and learned in those times are the same things celebrities do now. On that note, let’s get into it.
If you remember that moment in your life you were celebrated, you will probably realize it was because you were being you x 50. When your mother or father told you “practice makes perfect”, she meant it. Celebrities have practiced being themselves x 50. They have practiced being themselves or being so exceptional at what they do, they become MASTERS at it. You need to decide to step FULLY into you, the authentic you. Then master it so well that no one can do what you do, the way you do it. So the thought of being like anyone else is a bad idea to being celebrated. Be your best self. From Oprah, Angelina Jolie to Denzel Washington, Stephanie Linus and Idris Elba. They are MASTERS at themselves and their craft. Start practicing your own SELF MASTERY.
You can probably name 5 celebrities that are “has beens”. Do you know why? They stopped staying in front of us or engaging us. If you don’t evolve, let’s face it you will become redundant. There is nothing wrong with sticking to what worked in 1990. But you have to find a way to evolve into current technologies that fit your personality in the new millennia. So if you like old school R & B music as an artist, you should find a hybrid that can pull your music into the ears of the millennial. If you don’t engage the new population, you will be left in and with the old population. My suggestion: sit down and take inventory of how you do things and develop ways to evolve into the new millennia. Either using the Internet (social media), a hybrid of your sense of style, a partnership with someone or a company that does things the new way. Just remember, if you do not engage the influential population, you just may get stuck promoting or marketing to your generation alone. That can be limiting. Think bigger. The celebrity that has mastered this art is BEYONCÉ. She is still herself, but you can see it’s a more evolved version of her with a similar sound to her style of music and fashion. Her fan-base ranges from teens to grown adults. Even grandmas can sing a Beyoncé Song. Stay Current.
If you think celebrities reach “celeb status” and stop, think again. They are always learning. Either at being better at their craft or learning a new craft, they understand that knowing and doing more keeps them evolving into other parts of themselves. This other parts are what keep us engaged and interested. They commit to learning. Elite athlete Serena Williams is a great example of this. With all her accolades in the tennis world, she decided she wanted to be a manicurist too. I know. Many people looked down on it. (Side bar, a lot of men and women build their wealth in this people-pampering field). Don’t knock it. She decided to do something she loved. She got certified as a manicurist and now, she has a line of nail polish in partnership with OPI that are a part of her wealth building way of life. Take a cue from Serena. Whatever it is that you like and want to learn, do it and don’t bother about what people would say about you. It just might be your millionaire idea. GO FOR IT.
There are many more truths, but these were the top 3 I found consistent with the celebrities I got to work with. I hope you tap into these truths for yourself. GOODLUCK!
It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.
I am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.
What makes any type of artiste a star is their authenticity. At the point in your life you choose to be a “STAR” or you fall into it, figure out what part of you that you are most comfortable with and that is what you should share with the world. The trick is, since it comes naturally to you, it won’t be hard to be “it”. Don’t worry about what others say about it. Give people time. Once they see you are being your authentic self, they will naturally gravitate and celebrate that, or at least you’ll have a fan base that is attracted to your authenticity, and then just bank on that. Branding is also a HUGE part of your “STAR” power. Are you the serious business guy, the funny goofy down to earth lady, the silent but powerful, the loud and aggressive. Whatever your personality, package it in your actions, words and marketing collateral. But remember you run the risk of being identified that way for a long time, so leave room for versatility.
How can celebrities protect themselves from controversy?
Most controversies stem from personal stories. If you don’t want your business out there, DO NOT put your business out there. That means watch who you talk to, conduct yourself accordingly in public while still staying authentic to who you are. It’s actually okay to think before you speak, no seriously, think before you speak! Controversy keeps the industry interesting, so we love it. Should you however be faced with one, have a strategy to explain to your fans or the media and STICK TO YOUR explanation, no matter what extra “gossip” is added along the way. DO NOT LIE, but if you are going to lie, at least make it a believable lie and try not to make that a habit. Remember people are now attracted to your authenticity.
Is bad publicity really good publicity in disguise?
That quote has been credited to Oscar Wilde and sometimes to P.T. Barnum. Times have evolved and you cannot use that phrase anymore unless you have the ability to spin EVERY bad PR into a good one; but frankly bad PR is bad PR. It can destroy a brand, so no, I don’t believe bad publicity is good publicity in disguise. If that were the case, the snake would eventually get good PR. Poor snakes, they have had a bad wrap since the days of Adam and Eve. The day I find a publicist that can spin the image of the snake that will be the day I completely believe that phrase.
What makes a star endorse-able? What would attract a company, for instance, to endorse a celebrity, spending millions of naira?
Your image makes you endorsable, your values, your AUTHENTICITY, your star power. A perfect example is a client we helped plan their video shoot in Miami: THE HKN GANG: Davido. He has star power which for any company equates to dollars. His fans hang to his every word – good or bad. So let’s get real here. They endorse you because they believe you can draw in more dollars for their brand. They endorse you because they realize people listen to you. Another client we represent is Stephanie Linus (formerly Stephanie Okereke). Her authenticity and star power are solid. She conducts herself respectfully in the industry and yet she remains relatable, which to companies means she can be trusted and when she says something it will be valued. So if you want to be endorsed, be sure you have the ability to influence people and the ability to influence comes with building trust with your fan base in your given industry over time.
Which Nigerian celebrity are you proud of the most regarding his/her branding?
I have to say Stephanie Linus (nee Okereke). Her image from when she started to where she is now is a perfect example of the power of re-branding and how it can immensely impact your career. When we started with Stephanie in 2009 she had less than 30,000 fans on face book. With strategic and purposeful branding, 3 years later, Stephanie has over 461,000 fans and has more than tripled her cover appearances. You inevitably have to respect that kind of re-branding power.
What is that recurring sin celebrities commit?
You have to blame this sin on technology. The new and improved sin is: underestimating the power of social media. You now have to constantly remember, whether you like it or not, you are officially a role model. Stop thinking you are talking to your friends. Your fans and your 5000+ fb followers are not your friends. Again, just as it is okay to think before you talk or respond to press, it is okay to think before you hit that tweet or publish button. Damage control in PR cost money and cost you time. You can’t avoid it all together, but you can sure minimize it, and use that money in your bank account, or spend that time working on your craft. Social media is here to stay, at least for now and you officially have to have that as part of your PR consciousness.
Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader
It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.
I am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.
Hey you. Welcome to my Virtual home here on where I get to support your awesomeness with tools, tips, resources to thrive out here in these world streets. Plus, I get to share with you my life as a Lifestyle Entrepreneur, TwinMom and Wife. A snap shot of the good and challenging. I am on a journey to realize my highest self while sharing the experiences, in hopes that someone else can learn from them, without having to go through it. I look forward to connecting live or online.