It’s so simple, those who use these secrets understand its power and they use it diligently. Chances are you know one or two or more of these secrets but if you are not using it, it is time you begin. There are over 2 Billion Internet users in the world. If you are reading this, you are one of them. Imagine how many people you can connect to, influence, or build relationships with to foster your brand, your product or service. These secrets are free and simple.
Remember when your mother used to say if you are going to do something at all, do it well. If you want to build your blogger empire and be the next Fashion Bomb Daily, you have to do like she did and be consistent. On whatever platform you choose to build your social media profile. Twitter, facebook, pinterest, whatever you choose, be consistent. If you blog every other day, be consistent, let your audience build a relationship with your schedule. BE CONSISTENT in the type of content you share and your message about who you are.
If you pay attention to those with high number of followers on instagram or pinterest who are active, the types of images they post have a theme. Figure out your “image look”. If you will use text and image, make your photos black and white or post funny jokes; the images you share can affect engagement. Use phone apps like Made with Studio to brand your images on social media.
Forget about being completely private those days are long gone. People connect to people. All those days of a professional only persona these days, that almost guarantees little or no connect for you or whatever you are selling. BE HUMAN. Share some things about you that people can connect to and watch how easily people connect to you.
This is the secret that so many people don’t know what to do with or how to use. Many of us know or have met so many people online and offline, but when it is time to activate our network, we have a momentary freak out session. Don’t stress about it. It’s really simple. Provide value for others and it’s really, truly, human nature; people will inevitably come to your support. Be a part of their own lives, not just being all about yours. People and brands that forget this slowly slip into the abyss and wonder what happened. They stopped providing value and being a part of the lives of those who follow them. ENGAGE and ACTIVATE your NETWORK.
We are relational beings. No man is an island and in social media you bump into people in the virtual world daily. Say “Hi, how is your day?” Make it a point to connect with one new person a week. And foster those connections, comment on their page their instagram take a genuine interest in who they are and how you may be able to support them. Not a transaction but a value that you can offer, positive vibes, laughter, motivation. Offer something that is not about money. People are more apt to support and help those they have some kind of relations with. BUILD THOSE RELATIONSHIP. HAVE FUN. People are fascinating. Be open to learning from the best others have to offer.
Ultimately you are the secret to all this being activated. All these secrets activated simultaneously make for a powerful profile and brand. Pay attention to all those you know who have social media influence and power. You will realize they do all 5. Start practicing today. MAKE A CONNECTION.
It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.
I am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.
To step into your own purpose, visit
Connect With Yetunde:
Loved, Loved your article I need all of this for my business! I have been so busy working the business and need to focus on growing at the same time! So really appreciate this reminder my favorite tip is being consistent! 🙂
Hi Evonya. Thank you for your feedback. I find that physically putting it on my calendar helps me be consistent. I hope you try it
Loved loved this article it was precise and to the point and exactly what I need to apply to my own business favorite tip was being consistent. Thank you!
Thank you for writing on this topic!! I am starting to grow my social media presence and these tips are great!! I especially like how you talk about sharing stories because that’s something I’ve also thought is powerful.
Hello @Estefania. Thank you for ready my article. It certainly goes a long way to share ourselves with our audience. I wish you well.
Love this article! Couldn’t agree more. I must admit that while I know these tips to be true, I could use some practice implementing some of them myself – #1 in particular. Love this post and LOVE the strong visuals you’re using. Walking the talk girl. Keep shining! 🙂
Loved the post, visuals are key, but sometimes hard to match the message. and so is the connection, we are building relationships.