Stop trying to Find Your Purpose. It’s already within you. Look inside.

Hey Purpose Angel. This morning, I want to share with you answers to the following:

Why am I doing this? Why is this important? I remember the day I decided I didn’t want to become an Attorney anymore.
I was in the first month as a Junior in college at Loyola University Chicago Why? 3 reasons

1. As much as I enjoy reading, I was stressed out about how much information I would have to retain as a Lawyer

2. I knew I wanted to help women and build wealth and I didn’t see how I would do that without having to work for the bad guys (They typically have more money than the good guys. Good guys have money too)

3. I am an Empath, so I literally feel other peoples vibes and so I’m hyper-mindful of the energies I allow in my space and the energy I bring to any space. I’m also super intuitive, so I get clear directions on what I need to do for results, safety and success. These are physical and spiritual God-given abilities. We all have them. I’ve simply had a mentor who’s helped me master them and I’m still learning.

I feeeeel the energy of our world. Even as I type this now to you I have tears in my eyes just feeling it. I also feel the love and they are both overwhelming. So when I say I’m RADICALLY CLEAR on what role I need to play to support you in stepping fully into your purpose, It’s because it’s important. I already know we will have a better world when YOU do your part and you get to skip the line cuz I’ve done all the mistakes and spent a lot of money to get you the current best possible blueprint for your own next level.

So in school, I selected a few marketing and pr courses to take. In one of my classes, we were given a mock Ad campaign to work on for Verizon and in a split moment I realized how may millions of people I could reach with one simple yet effective AD. LITERALLY MILLIONS IN ONE GO. I caught the PR BUG and I was sold. I focused on my specialty in Communications.
Everything I have learned and do since then has helped me to be a student and teacher communicator with visuals, words and quality. I get the privilege of doing this for my own personal brand and the over 100+ women I have had the honor of branding overtime.

What you need to know: Your purpose has been and will always be a part of you. It's not something you're out there looking for. It's within already. Share on XWhether you discover what that purpose is or not depends on your choice to explore, acknowledge and accept what that purpose is. A good coach can guide you through the discovery.

Why you should care: If you find that you’re not joyful, excited or energized most times about your life or work or situation, It may mean you’re not in alignment with your purpose. And the fact is, you don’t have to stay in this space. It can be more than you ever imagined. I testify to this and so do many of my client.

What you need to do: DM me if you’d like to explore what it looks like to kick off your purpose journey, stress-free, no overwhelm and joyfully. Wanna see Quantum Leap, ask @evatoby She became a bestselling author beating out Lala Anthony’s book even before her book was available, secured over 7 media features in one year national and international. Became a published columnist for rolling out magazine and using my process once raised $900 in 5 hours for a youth organization in Detroit, Michigan.

Get VIP access to the Next level version of you. We kick off our Purpose POWER LAUNCH May 2nd. #radicalclarity #livethroughpurpose #purposepower


Yes, they can. The very idea of the words “ PERSONAL BRANDING” is stressful enough for any Introvert. Did you know there are over 50% of  Americans are Introverts? 

According to the official random sample by the Myers-Briggs organization, and this was taken over a decade ago. Imagine how many there are now.  You probably know at least 2 introverts in your life or you are one.

I have the privilege of being an Introvert, with the skill of an extroverts (shout out to my experience as an international publicist for over 15 years), so I get to experience both sides of the coin. It’s weird. I am also married to an introvert who I get to brand.

I understand his characteristics, so I get to support him in building his personal brand in a way that makes him comfortable and gets his message out to the world.

These 3 strategies I am sharing will help you bring your best self to the world in a way that protects your introverted ways, yet helps you get your message to the world and attract your Ideal clients/TRIBE.


You’ll find most introverts write long articles. So one of the 3 ways for an introvert to build a successful personal brand in 2017 is by blogging. Blogging is a tool any introvert can master in 2017.1 It’s a space for you to write as much as you want and express yourself without concern about anyone zapping your energy.

The question most introverts need to know is, “does this activity or experience give me energy or does it take away energy?”  Most times, engaging PEOPLE takes away energy from an introvert, so they would rather be alone or with that “one person” in their bubble.

You will have to activate some marketing strategies to make your blog searchable to draw relevant traffic. Remember that if you have a message to share that can change the lives of even one person, it is your responsibility to make sure they find you. (so momentarily get over yourself and focus on the power of your message to change the world).  Relax, you’re in great company.

Albert Einstein, Rosa Parks, Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mark Zuckerberg and so many more are introverts that have LITERARILY shaped our world. They all focused on their Message. You can do the same.

When blogging to build a successful personal brand in 2017, it helps to imagine you are writing to one type of person (there just happens to be thousands of that type of person that you can provide great insight for).

Most introverts are thoughtful in their expression so get ready to read long, yet powerful articles.

They do want to express themselves and they do a great job of it journaling or writing.



Well actually, I mean pick up the MIC. So the second way for an introvert to build a successful personal brand in 2017 is by launching a podcast. Here is the beautiful thing about social media1 in this day and age. YOU GET TO SET YOUR OWN RULES.

According to Edison Research in partnership with Triton Polling, monthly podcast listenership has increased 75% since 2013. This proves many things but above all, it proves that people are hungry for information and as an introvert with a message; It is your responsibility to put your message in the world using the senses. In this case, it is auditory.

Remember, since you get to set your own rules, it’s you sharing your ideas, your message to the mic and your computer, others simply have the opportunity to tap into your message, using your voice as the amplifier for your message.

Another way to market this podcast is to do your research on people who host solo podcasts, because they probably like to conserve their energy too and contact them either to interview them, or to be interviewed by them (dynamic content). So again, it would simply be you on a one-on-one with someone else like you, that understands the need to conserve energy. Happy podcasting.

p.s- When you are promoting the podcast, remember it’s your message you are promoting, so don’t get stuck on you.



So, I told you earlier that my husband is an introvert and the benefit of having his wife as a publicist/brand manager is that, he only gets to deal with one person. That is an advantage most introverts would prefer.

Taking the time to know what to look for before you hire a publicist is important.  Let your publicist know that you only want to communicate with him or her one-on-one. You will have to tell your publicist what works for you.  A suggestion is booking you on shows (TV, radio or podcasts) where you’re only interacting with one host, not necessarily in front of an audience.

You can also get featured in magazines or dailies, where the editor or writer meets with you or simply sends you questions to answer via email. Those are the best, because you’ll have time to be thoughtful in your response. Let them know you value intimacy and you’re at your best when your energy is focused on no more than one person. Of course, that is not to say you can’t handle an audience, you’ll simply have more to give when there is less energy to be zapped from you.

As a wife an introvert with a super cool personal brand, I look forward to these tips helping you build a successful personal brand in 2017. Brands are built over time, so be patience with your self, be consistent in your blogging or podcasts and secure those media features that GET YOUR MESSAGE TO THE WORLD.

Remember it’s about YOUR MESSAGE, you are simply the conduit to get it out, so get over yourself and get in front of your message so that the people who’s lives you have been created to change can find you. 


7 Steps to a Profitable and Purposeful Brand

It’s official we have stepped into the era of total SELF PROMOTION. Here is however how YOU can stand out this year. These 7 easy steps help you identify what really matters for a purpose driven and profitable brand. One of the secrets to a successful brand is being very clear on what YOU have to offer to OTHERS that adds value to their lives.

You are more likely to be top of mind when people know your brand makes them feel better about themselves. Not about you, but about themselves. Your audience is the HERO of the story. Have that in mind as you step more into this year. Your personal brand should be meaningful. Your AUTHENTICITY is what will make you stand out, and bank on that for a profitable year ahead.


This is probably the one word that eludes a lot of people. PURPOSE. What in the world is it I am here to do? It’s usually pretty simple. Purpose is almost always about others. There are many ways to identify your purpose. I find that it usually comes from one of these 4 experiences: Promise: you have an experience and then decide and promise yourself to change things for people, Passion: passion is irrational. All you know is that if you don’t do it, life would cease to exist as a happy place for you and those you love. Pain: Something difficult happens that transforms your life and now you want to help transform the life of others. Opportunity: You see/bump into a need in the world and you find yourself wanting to make life better for others. Once you have zoned in on what it is that is your purpose, you should identify who would value it: Age, hobbies, habits, where they spend their time, how to reach them etc


Image goes a long way in making a first impression. There is usually always more to a book than it’s cover. However, you are more likely to open a book with an attractive cover. And if the story matches or exceeds the cover design, BRAVO! Invest in a professional shoot. I promise you it is worth the investment. A good shoot with a good photographer will be able to capture the real you that translates through images and taps into the purpose you have identified. Your image includes all visual collateral that will be a part of your brand image for the next 365 days.


Nike did it best. Their representative is the all too famous swoosh. Your logo is your representative in the brand world. If you pay $20 for a logo, you’ll get a $20 worthy logo. Invest in a customized design that speaks to the value you offer and the audience you are targeting. Your return on the investment is worth that extra hundreds to pay. Invest in your own purpose.


Content, Content, Content. Be clear and direct about the value you offer. Understand what emotional triggers your value taps into, develop your biography, website content, advertising copy and do away with jargon words. Be clear, concise and engaging.


Most people don’t realize they are almost always marketing. When you’re convincing your friends to go out with you, or telling them how awesome that new hair company or hair stylist is, that is well under marketing and Public Relations. So relax you already have years of practice doing this. Now you have to do it consciously. Decide on what platform you want to publicize your purposeful brand. TV, Social Media, Radio, Podcast, Live Events etc. I suggest you pick your top 2 and build relationships then pitch to the world media why your value is of benefit to them.


Now more than any other time in our history, you literally have access to the world. That power that social media has offered must be viewed as an opportunity. An opportunity for you to change and reach the lives of so many people with how you and what you offer, can make their lives better. I know social media can be overwhelming. Relax, pick your top 2 or 3 platforms and be a master at it. Build friendships across the world and capitalize on the power of social media to share your purpose


It’s a sweet spot when the thing that you identify as your purpose now serves to help create financial freedom for you and your family and build profits. This is where you have to make a commitment to your purpose and put in the work required to build your purposeful brand. Learn new ways to generate revenue with a personal brand. Understand your finances, operate from a place of abundance and always remember your why. WHY DO YOU HELP OTHERS? Once you understand and accept the value that you offer. Your audience that sees the value you offer would pay your asking price.

All in all, your brand will evolve overtime, and even your purpose might evolve as you grow. The trick is to stay hungry for knowledge, keep learning and keep connecting to how you can be of benefit to others.

I wish you a purposeful and profitable year ahead.

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader





It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit



Connect With Yetunde:







Let’s face it, the new social media has everyone competing for who can attract more attention and get more engagement at the expense of our leisure time. Frankly, it’s exhausting and can waste a lot of time.  I am recommending apps that require little or no time to create strong and engaging imagery to facilitate conversations and excitement  According to 3M Corporation, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.  That’s one answer, if you ever wondered why you engage more on images on Facebook and Instagram than on twitter or long winded social media paragraphs.  So here are 5 apps to help you save time, look hotter and engage more followers.

1.     PIC PLAY POST  

pic play post app for video branding

I remember the first time I saw this app in action. I was fascinated.  Before then, all most people did on instagram/facebook was post single images or collages of images, but being able to post a video(s) with images simultaneously and you can add some music as a soundtrack? Talk about being in the know. Now, you too can be in on this.  Look for it on your iphone or android

Tip: It helps to tell a story with the collage, or make a combination that is interesting and people are inevitably going to respond to interesting and shareable content.






This is an example of how you can use pic play post on Facebook or Instagram:



studio design app for online branding

So, think about Studio Design as Photoshop for the clueless. You can add depth to your images using icons, words, odd shapes and produce a final image that makes you feel you just designed your very own campaign. In a social media world where image really is an anchor, what better way than to attract an audience than to make your words look and pop like images.







This is an example of how studio design can add some character to your images.

made with studio for branding




photo grid app for branding online

With the 1001 new ways to collage a picture for use on twitter, Facebook or Instagram, this app is cool because when you don’t like a collage combination, Instead of going back to a different collage template and starting over (time wasting), you shake the camera and it gives you a different option for your collage. It’s quick, fun and it presents your images in a variety of ways that makes for interesting layouts.










4.     TEXT GRAM

text gram app

Plug in a quote on social media that people find interesting and you will more than likely get people sharing it, or affirming that they agree with you (engagement). Textgram can turn your inspiring quotes into works of art. They have many layout options, color choices and various fonts. A combination of these can get you tapping into your audience attention and engagement in no time.












lnsta PicFX is like a collage app on cloud 9. It spices up your images with really cool colorful overlays. And once an image is visually stimulating, you get people to respond even if they intended to or not. That is the power of strong and engaging imagery, sometimes, we can’t help ourselves, we just like or share. Here is an example of what the app did when I pugged in Zainab Balogun’s recent shoot for Clan Fashion Label.






insta PicFX branding




















With all these tools, keep in mind people love stories. So be intentional about the story you want to share with your fans/followers/audience. And endeavor to tell stories with your content as often as you can. People connect to people; help your fans and followers connect to you.






It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit



Connect With Yetunde:




