It hurts because It could be me and you know that

As a black woman, every time I hear stories about how people who look like me are brutalized & killed by Caucasian/pass for Caucasian police and self-appointed police, it literally physically hurts & I cry just about every time. This brutality happens every day, don’t be fooled into thinking it’s once in a while.⁣⁣

I get angry and I work hard not to get to hopeless, because I believe in I get angry and I work hard not to get to hopeless, because I believe in HOPE and I believe in the power of CHANGE + ACTION. See, change can be trusted because it always shows up, it always happens and it guarantees that NO CONDITION IS EVER PERMANENT however many eons something may take to change. CHANGE IS DEPENDABLE. And I find comfort in its POWER.⁣⁣

Today, I also realized how many of my white friends have NO IDEA about my experience of racism in this country. I imagine they think, I am that “different African chic”.

I also realized I don’t share my experiences because a part of me feels why bother, they won’t get it and I’ll still be seen as “but you’re different.” NOPE, I AM NOT.

So, I’m making a choice to actively have those conversations more, and actively share what my friends can do to make a change that can deeply reduce the racism (assuming they want to).

I also believe in finding solutions; knowing what to do about something is how I maintain and build my personal POWER.

In this time and through my morning meditation today, I got a clear message:

  1. “Yetunde, I sent you here to get more women to step into their purpose, because the world will be a better place when more people are living in PURPOSE, so stay focused on what I sent you here for” “YES GOD, Got it!”
  2. “I know you’re angry. I know you hurt, and across the world even if all black people don’t personally know each of these people, your soul power is what makes you feel this so deeply every time, and you will never be desensitized because you are part of the solution.”
  3. “Love is the answer and love needs power, justice, defense, protection and so many things to be fully experienced, so do something different today with what you share.”

From my years of reading on politics and world changes, from Apartheid South Africa, to the murder of George Floyd, two things always make change happen.

  1. Active and prolonged boycott that affects financial gains MAJORLY
  2. Voting who you want in office that has the interest of all of our collective humanity in mind.

So, today’s JUST 5 MINUTES FRIDAY attempts to be a piece that may shift your mindset and get you to COMMIT to the long term freedom of all of US.

There are lessons only you have learned and experienced that can literally transform someone’s life. ⁣It is your soul’s responsibility to share that message before you exit this planet. ⁣

If you’re reading this and you are serious about action driven change,


What can you share to help?

Follow @YetundeShorters ⁣to make sure you’re plugged in for the Just5 Features.

Please NOTE: I’ll delete anything hurtful, cruel and bait focused. This is my website and I will use that privilege.

just5friday #racisminamerica #changeisinevitable #womenentrepreneur #yetundeshorters #womenentrepreneurship #raceandentrepreneurship #womeninbuisness #personalpower #politicalpower #financialpower #womenwithpurpose #purposedrivenwoman #womanofpurpose #authenticwomen #womeninbeauty #womensupportingeachother #whitepriviledge #buildyourpower


See, change can be trusted because it always shows up, it always happens and it guarantees that NO CONDITION IS EVER PERMANENT however many eons something may take to change. CHANGE IS DEPENDABLE. And I find comfort in its POWER. Share on X

Much Love




How to Systematize Everything

Hey Entrepreneur.

If you’ve ever looked at another entrepreneur and wondered “how da heck does she even have time to do all this stuff” she has systematized everything, and you need to learn this skill too.

She’s got good systems.

It’s true. The most productive people all have one thing in common: they don’t reinvent the wheel every day. Instead, they’ve figured out the best, most efficient way to do every task, and they create a system to do just that. Share on X

No matter what business you’re in and what projects you find yourself tackling, a systematized approach will help you:

• Work faster and produce more
• Produce higher quality results with fewer mistakes
• Easily outsource the tasks you don’t like to do

The Magic of Templates

How many times do you answer email from potential clients? What about responding to customer complaints? Or saying a polite no to those people wanting you to meet up to pick your brain for a coffee chat?

All of these tasks and more become effortless when you create fill-in-the-blank templates that can be repurposed for specific cases/people. Templates can be as simple as a “canned response” in your email client or help desk, or you can use software such as Text Expander (for Mac) or Phrase Express (for Windows). You might even create a template document in Evernote, Mac note or Google Drive to house all your templates for easier access.

While templates will undoubtedly save you time, the real beauty is that once they’re created, you can easily outsource things like email and even sales. Simply instruct your Virtual assistant on the proper use of your templates, and you’ll be free to do other, more important things.

Checklists Prevent Mistakes

I have multiple checklist. One for even writing this blog post, one for going live, one for recording my videos and writing articles. It might seem counter-intuitive, but when you perform the same tasks over and over again, it’s easy to miss a critical step. You might think you did all you needed or that live-stream this week— you might even remember doing it—only to look back and you missed two steps that affected your post promotion.

But when you implement checklists, it’s suddenly much more difficult to miss an important task.

You can easily create checklists for all your common tasks and projects using nothing more than a text document. I do the most so I use Apple Pages and make it look all fancy lol. If you’re managing a team, checklists in your project management system allow you to see exactly what tasks are complete, and which are still outstanding. Think of it as a to do list for each task

Templates and checklists turn smart business owners into productivity Queens, and it’s easy to get started. The next time you answer an email you’ve answered before, save your response. The next time you set up a new product in your shopping cart or create a new opt-in page, take the time to record the steps. These documents will make future projects easier and faster to complete, and best of all, you can hand them off to your assistant to do instead.

So, tell me which tip would you implement to work for you?

Much Love




The mind is a powerful thing. It works hard to help us come to a resolution. That’s why dreams at night can provide closure or clarity. It keeps working till it gets an answer your mind can wrap its head around. ⁣⁣⁣
“Find you purpose or you wasting air”- Nipsey Hussle⁣⁣
He was on the purpose ride too. And I’m on that ride too for as long as I have breath in me on this earth. ⁣⁣
I had no idea who Nipsey Hussle was until his passing. I had come across the video of him and Lauren randomly just last week and that picture of them with the horse. As I lay in bed sick as a dog, no voice to speak and tired. This last week, my mind has been trying to wrap up his story. And it finally reached a resolution this morning. 3 things it came to:⁣⁣⁣
1. He was a good man. Who set his own rules in a world that often teaches us to follow rules.⁣⁣⁣
2. Envy is a dangerous spirit and we alllll need to stop that spirit from having any inch in our lives. Grace is a powerful thing and only God can give it. So when you find yourself getting mad at someone else’s blessing please catch that spirit. It is poison and it can destroy you and those you should love. Turn to Gratitude instead. ⁣⁣⁣
3. When you find your soulmate anything less just seems like you’re cheating yourself. My heart sank for Lauren. To loose the one your heart was given to in such a painful way is heartbreaking. I wish you healing.⁣⁣⁣
Many of us don’t know Nipsey Hussle, never met him, but we did know from what we have seen so far he had a heart for love, others and community. From his passing I am learning and reminded to keep being and doing good, even when it is unpopular. Be a better human being. We can all do better…Rest with God sir.⁣⁣⁣


Collaboration Is The New Black

On this #internationalwomensday I want to celebrate the power of collaboration. For many years, there has been a prevailing notion that women like to compete, compare and undermine each other. Though some of these traits may exist, there is more #collaborationovercompetion especially among women entrepreneurs! Something magical happens when women support each other. Some of the best brands, campaigns, organizations, and businesses have been birth through the partnership of two separate entities.

As women, we can help other women shine their light and still shine on our own and there is so much power when we come together for a greater good. This is one of the reasons my PR sis Dorcey of @gazelle_strategist and wrote “Collaboration is the New Black: How to Identify the Right Collaborations, Increase your Brand Power and Get Money”. I have facilitated over 50 partnerships and collaborations with Grammy award winning artists in classical music media and entrepreneurs that have reached over 10million + people over the years, for Dorcey, with15 years of PR & Brand Management experience, brokering some lucrative collaborations, I can tell you emphatically that this book is loaded with substantial and benificial information!. In honor of today, I would like to invite you to join this collaborative experience and tag 3 women you would love to collaborate with. I am also excited to share that our book is now available for pre-order!!!!
The first 50 people who pre-order the book today will get the CITNB Workbook for free!!!! This workbook will guide you in identifying red flags and increasing your social media influence and power with the RIGHT COLLABORATION. Click here and reserve your copy.



Yes, they can. The very idea of the words “ PERSONAL BRANDING” is stressful enough for any Introvert. Did you know there are over 50% of  Americans are Introverts? 

According to the official random sample by the Myers-Briggs organization, and this was taken over a decade ago. Imagine how many there are now.  You probably know at least 2 introverts in your life or you are one.

I have the privilege of being an Introvert, with the skill of an extroverts (shout out to my experience as an international publicist for over 15 years), so I get to experience both sides of the coin. It’s weird. I am also married to an introvert who I get to brand.

I understand his characteristics, so I get to support him in building his personal brand in a way that makes him comfortable and gets his message out to the world.

These 3 strategies I am sharing will help you bring your best self to the world in a way that protects your introverted ways, yet helps you get your message to the world and attract your Ideal clients/TRIBE.


You’ll find most introverts write long articles. So one of the 3 ways for an introvert to build a successful personal brand in 2017 is by blogging. Blogging is a tool any introvert can master in 2017.1 It’s a space for you to write as much as you want and express yourself without concern about anyone zapping your energy.

The question most introverts need to know is, “does this activity or experience give me energy or does it take away energy?”  Most times, engaging PEOPLE takes away energy from an introvert, so they would rather be alone or with that “one person” in their bubble.

You will have to activate some marketing strategies to make your blog searchable to draw relevant traffic. Remember that if you have a message to share that can change the lives of even one person, it is your responsibility to make sure they find you. (so momentarily get over yourself and focus on the power of your message to change the world).  Relax, you’re in great company.

Albert Einstein, Rosa Parks, Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mark Zuckerberg and so many more are introverts that have LITERARILY shaped our world. They all focused on their Message. You can do the same.

When blogging to build a successful personal brand in 2017, it helps to imagine you are writing to one type of person (there just happens to be thousands of that type of person that you can provide great insight for).

Most introverts are thoughtful in their expression so get ready to read long, yet powerful articles.

They do want to express themselves and they do a great job of it journaling or writing.



Well actually, I mean pick up the MIC. So the second way for an introvert to build a successful personal brand in 2017 is by launching a podcast. Here is the beautiful thing about social media1 in this day and age. YOU GET TO SET YOUR OWN RULES.

According to Edison Research in partnership with Triton Polling, monthly podcast listenership has increased 75% since 2013. This proves many things but above all, it proves that people are hungry for information and as an introvert with a message; It is your responsibility to put your message in the world using the senses. In this case, it is auditory.

Remember, since you get to set your own rules, it’s you sharing your ideas, your message to the mic and your computer, others simply have the opportunity to tap into your message, using your voice as the amplifier for your message.

Another way to market this podcast is to do your research on people who host solo podcasts, because they probably like to conserve their energy too and contact them either to interview them, or to be interviewed by them (dynamic content). So again, it would simply be you on a one-on-one with someone else like you, that understands the need to conserve energy. Happy podcasting.

p.s- When you are promoting the podcast, remember it’s your message you are promoting, so don’t get stuck on you.



So, I told you earlier that my husband is an introvert and the benefit of having his wife as a publicist/brand manager is that, he only gets to deal with one person. That is an advantage most introverts would prefer.

Taking the time to know what to look for before you hire a publicist is important.  Let your publicist know that you only want to communicate with him or her one-on-one. You will have to tell your publicist what works for you.  A suggestion is booking you on shows (TV, radio or podcasts) where you’re only interacting with one host, not necessarily in front of an audience.

You can also get featured in magazines or dailies, where the editor or writer meets with you or simply sends you questions to answer via email. Those are the best, because you’ll have time to be thoughtful in your response. Let them know you value intimacy and you’re at your best when your energy is focused on no more than one person. Of course, that is not to say you can’t handle an audience, you’ll simply have more to give when there is less energy to be zapped from you.

As a wife an introvert with a super cool personal brand, I look forward to these tips helping you build a successful personal brand in 2017. Brands are built over time, so be patience with your self, be consistent in your blogging or podcasts and secure those media features that GET YOUR MESSAGE TO THE WORLD.

Remember it’s about YOUR MESSAGE, you are simply the conduit to get it out, so get over yourself and get in front of your message so that the people who’s lives you have been created to change can find you.