Discovering your intrinsic value is simpler than you think


Discovering your intrinsic value is simpler than you think.

One day, I was laying down to take a nap on my sectional sofa, I woke up about 45 minutes later and I could NOT get up…I couldn’t move my legs. I was scared. My heart was racing, I could literally taste my anxiety. and I started crying… and at some point my brain signaled for me to get my phone.

luckily it was right next to me and I called one of my Pharmaceutical Dr. friends. And she heard the panic in my voice just from saying hello. I told her I couldn’t move my legs, I started crying again and she told me to calm down, “try wiggling your toes, she said, pinch your legs”.

I did all of that still stressed and anxious and then the feelings in my legs came back.

I got off the phone cried some more, then went back to work.
You would think I would have seen that as a warning.

Months later, I ended up in the hospital from Adrenal Fatigue and my Best friend was with me and as I lay in the hospital bed at the time, I thought to myself, “if I died today, none of this shit would matter. And I thought “hmmmm, my family would cry, eat some rice, have a party and they would move on.

In that moment, after all the blood work, recommendations and everything else from the doctor, when I got home, I made a decision to change my life in 30 days. I stopped watching TV that month, I read a lot of books, I meditated more.
I was present in my life and I can tell you, the level of clarity that came to me once I decided to step FULLY into my purpose was divine.

The blessings and opportunities that came with that choice were astounding. The effectiveness that I was activating now that I had clarity.
Yes, I still had to do the work of mastery, heck, I’m still doing it, But this time, I had a blueprint of how to let my purpose lead my many passions.

Here is what I have learnt and I want to share with you:It doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, the knowing your purpose part is easier. We just expect it to be hard and we’re usually underwhelmed on how easy it seems. If you’re looking for work to do however, don’t worry, The work you feel you… Share on X

It is fully your responsibility to MASTER your purpose.

What are you doing to master the thing you’ve been called for? Are you taking specialty classes, are you feeding your soul, Do you have mentors who can help guide your light, You tap into all of these things, so that your impact is bigger, your joy is bigger, your attraction factor is bigger, your profits are bigger.

You can get to do all the things you enjoy and still live through your purpose.

What you seek is already inside you. Release it and step fully into your purpose.