

From Surulere to Banana Island. You can either feel envy or join in on the excitement. Linda Ikeji purchased her dream home for half a Billion Naira. If you haven’t heard the news, you’re so late for it. It’s an inspiring story of International Blogger Linda Ikeji. We choose to join in on the excitement and inspiration. Over the years, Linda Ikeji has done 3 key things that have positioned her for success.

And if you’re ready for it, let’s look at the steps she used, you can get in on the action too.

1. Authenticity: No one is telling you that your authentic self is what people will tune in to. Authenticity is that special something that only YOU have. Love her or not, Linda Ikeji has remained true to her image. She loves to gist and be engaged in social happenings, current affairs and international news. She found a way to do it so that millions can join her in gisting daily. Those who enjoy the gist get in on it action and she built a community of millions based on what feels true to her. Curating social news so that we can all go to her for our need for gist.

The truth is, everyone has it, but we are too busy trying to be packaged like everyone else, or
packaging the “idea” we have of us that we forget the gem that is already in us. Start trying to be you and less like others. Linda Ikeji makes no apologies for who she is. You are an original, being a copy or like anyone else is a dis-service to what you have to offer the world. How do you tap into your authenticity? Be true to your gut, your style, your thoughts, and your truth, even the medium to share your “thing”. Doing it because it is the norm is very different from doing it because it works and it feels like you.

If you’re great at making people laugh, organizing, analyzing, writing or talking, photographer etc., that special gift is your moneymaker, plus there are people waiting for you to step into it so they can pay you for it. The bonus is doing the work to make your authenticity valuable. And you can only do that when you master YOU. Practice, take time invest and do your part to be the master of your authenticity. Be your best self often and un-apologetically. When you get comfortable with you, it encourages others to do the same. You may not be the next Linda Ikeji, but you could be the one everyone wants to be like. Blogging is not for everyone. Find your thing, and then bank on it.

[NOTE: Want to Know The #1 New Way You Can Be The Next Virtual Superstar? click here]

2. Purposeful: No matter how much drama goes on online about any of the stories Linda Ikeji shares on her blog, it is clear that she understands the value of her information to the world. So it’s one thing to be authentic, it’s another thing to know why your authenticity is important to you, your family and the world.

To be “purposeful means: [pur-puh s]
1. the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
2. an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.
3. determination; resoluteness.

She uses that platform to do many of the things that are important to her. She inspires a lot of young women, pisses off a lot of celebrities and shares news also about their successes. We find intrigue, excitement or sometimes disappointment in some of the stories Linda Ikeji shares. No matter how outrageous the stories, she is intentional about the stories she shares. Linda spends hours doing the thing millions tune in for.

Your time is your most valuable asset. It is non-refundable, you can’t pay for more of it and you can’t get an iota of it back. You can however maximize it and be intentional about how you use it.

According to Forbes, Oprah has 10 self-made sources of income. Probably more by now. She spent years daily, doing the thing that is her purpose that she loves and helping people, building profits and daily she became a master at it, at HER.

She is a billionaire and she, just like you and Linda Ikeji have the same time in a day- 24 hours.

Committing to purpose means stepping fully into your Why. “why is this important for the world, to you” then spending your time doing the important stuff. The good news is, in-spite of the
challenges that you will face (designed to help you become a master at YOU), it will be more fun because you are doing the thing you love, helping people and building profits. Linda Ikeji gets to do what she loves, help people with her various non-profit endeavors and making millions. It’s a win, win.

[NOTE: Ready to learn the 7 Easy Steps to Creating a Purposeful and Profitable Brand Image? click here]

3. Profitable: Linda banked on her community. She built a community of readers that spends with the advertisers on her site. She made a business out of her passion. There are 7.3 billion+ people on this earth. If even 0.001% (that is 73,000) of them are the people you are meant to help and you charge them ??100 a month for what you’re great at, that they need, that they will gladly pay for, you will make ??7,300,000 a month and ??87,000,000 (that is 87 million) a year.

Here is the truth “the whole world is not your market”. Linda knows this. Not everyone reads her blog. Yes, you may have a product (in this case social information) that everyone could enjoy, but accepting and understanding that only the people that value your product or service will pay for it. Why not market to those people.

Linda Ikeji knows this and she’s doing it. So is Bella Naija and Ono Bello. This is what we brand professionals call NICHE marketing.

Close your eyes: imagine your ideal fan, customer or client. What does he or she look like? What do they do for a living, where do they spend time online, what kind of books, shows, audio books do they read? etc. Whomever you pictured, that is the person you need to market to, to help you build profit. Start today.

If you’re’ ready to do this, you have to be committed and put in the work. Expecting results in a year though ambitious is unrealistic. It took Linda 9 years and she’s still building. You need to build your community aka tribe, first, build a valuable product/service and be consistent with it, then bank on your “tribe” to pay for what you are offering.

So, you officially got the details on the 3 power moves that Linda Ikeji made to get to where she is now. Start now, why wait for tomorrow. Be present in your authenticity, live on purpose, be intentional with your time and the people that you need to help and support will pay you.

Have fun being you, Linda Ikeji sure does. Congratulations Linda.
photo by: Kelechi Amadi-Obi

Your Purpose Coach and Cheerleader





It’s free. Sign up today and get some free helpful resources to build profits, including my report on the 7 Easy Steps To A Purposeful, Fun and Profitable Brand.

profile-ysI AM the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful brand that is profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com



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