
ICY PR hits the Red Carpet in Miami for the Super Models Unlimited Release Party

Hello ladies and gents…wondering where ICY PR will be next? Well how about on the Red Carpet.  ICY PR has been chosen as the agency to manage the Red Carpet event for Super Models Unlimited editorial issue release party. SU models will be scouted for AIM Model Management by the famed Nole’ Marin of America’s Next Top Model. The Show stopper and headliner for the event is Rapper FLO-RIDA.The party will be held at Club Mansion on 1235 Washington Ave., Miami Beachm, Florida 33139 on January 29th 5PM

Stay tuned for pictures and clips from the events.

This has been an ICY Report

For further inquiries about the event or for press materials please e-mail your request to us at  info@icypr.com

ICY Public Relations
Ebele Okocha
T: 305.549.3676
E: info@icypr.com