Rose Mapendo – Susan Sarandon “CNN Hero” at WIFF

Rose Mapendo is the subject of the feature documentary Pushing the Elephant

The Women’s International Film & Arts Festival, (WIFF) now in its 3rd day is excited to announce the attendance of, Rose Mapendo, the subject of the feature documentary Pushing the Elephant, that will be screened on Saturday, April 2nd, 7 pm at Hollywood Central Performing Arts Center. Pushing the Elephant chronicles the life of Rose Mapendo who lost her family and home in the 1990’s to the violence that engulfed the Democratic Republic of Congo. She emerged advocating forgiveness and reconciliation.

Rose Mapendo was acknowledged by actress and human rights advocate Susan Sarandon as a “CNN Hero”.

7:00 PM  Saturday, April 2 at Hollywood Central Performing Arts Center
screens with…
Bloody Mary | Yasmina Aidi