5 ways to keep your celebrity personal brand in the news!

1.    Have a fantastic logo

personal branding using your logo

When you have figured out what name you want for yourself, there is something about a logo that can do the talking for you before you even show your face. Deciding on the right color, shape or font to represent you is powerful. Take the time to invest in a great graphic design team and let your logo speak for you. If you do it right, you can use the same logo for years, and just change the color for whatever campaign or project you are developing. Here are some celebrity logos that do it right.


2.    Plan a memorable photo-shoot

Like it or not, taking photos frequently and releasing it with a project or an editorial can keep you in the news. Take it one step further and do a creative shoot. Get inspired by artists in Asia, Europe and Africa and even in unique shoot locations where you are (that bridge you’ve always imagined taking a photo on, that skyline atop that building you drove by for years, that hut that would make for a great contrast). Think outside the box. Work with creative people to produce images that present the best image of you to the world. We love pictures. We’ll keep talking about how hot your new shoot was, until you do the next one.

3.    Hire a PR Pro

So you have an image and need someone to let the world know what you are doing and what projects or collaborations you have coming up etc. It’s time to Hire a Public Relations Professional. Someone who has relationships with various media houses and can create strategic partnerships for your publicity that keeps you in the news. Even when you do not have any music or project running, a publicist knows how to keep you relevant. A manager and a publicist are two different people. Hire a Publicist.

4.    Social Media Engagement

Social media is your new best friend. Be one with it, get used to it, but manage the time you spend on it. Learn to engage your fans and followers. Have 10-20 people you pay attention to and engage them fully on facebook post or tweets. Rotate those people every couple of months, pick a new set. Always have a call to action when you are pushing a campaign on social media. Call to Action means when you post, what else do you want us to do? E.g “I just launched my second album. Tell me what you think of it” or “share your favorite track and tell me why you like it.” A call to action keeps you and your fans engaged. People connect to people. When they connect to you, they invest their time and money on you.

5.    Create Partnerships

The easiest way to stay in the news when things seem slow as a celebrity, is to form partnerships with people, companies or NGO’s that are relevant to your brand and are almost always in the news. E.g your new film is not launching for another 9 months, research an ngo that could use your own star power. Work with them to do some good, get your publicist to put it in the news, engage your fans to do good for that day (while you share pictures) and when your album launches, you have ambassadors to do more marketing for you. It’s a win, win. You help others out and you stay relevant.





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profile-ysI am the creator of ICY ACADEMY an online program with a network of Inspired GO-GETTERS who are ready to step FULLY into their purpose doing what they love, while helping others in a way that creates financial freedom for them and their families. With my Signature Program: Meaningful Branding Sequence, I help individuals and businesses create a Purposeful and Powerful Brand that is Profitable. And we have a whole lot of fun on our way there.

To step into your own purpose, visit ICYACADEMY.com



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