

Dr. Nelson Aderemi Alawode delivered a baby by an 11-year-old girl by cesarean section while he was rotating through the department of OB/GYN as a medical student. Yes. We kid you not! Unfortunately, this scene happens much to often across the world and Dr. Alawode is set on making a difference.

“It seems like I got a phone call from God that says “if this really bothers you son, why don’t you go ahead and start educating kids in this age group as to the implication of multiple sexual partners and what marriage is all about.” – Dr. Alawode, MD.

With this inspiration, Abstinence Teen Choice was born.

Because of Dr. Alawode’s perseverance and kindness, his work is being well recognized. Ladybrille honors Alawode by presenting him as “Man of the Month” of their most recent issue. An honor well deserved.

To learn more, visit www.abstinenceteenchoice.org

This has been an ICY report.